Page 98 of The Joy of Us
I kiss her forehead. "Perfect, I'll have it ready by the time you're out."
I'm tempted to roll her over and devour her one last time, but we spent yesterday evening saying goodbye for hours. There were so many times I wanted to tell her how my heart was aching, and that my house would forever feel empty with her gone.
But that wouldn't help either of us.
We're both already sad as hell that this is ending, so I don't need to drive the knife deeper.
Just as we crawl out of bed, Dasher comes in and jumps on the mattress. "C'mon, let's go outside," I tell him, and he sprints downstairs. I quickly put on some joggers and grab a T-shirt, but then notice which one it is.
“Fallon.” I turn around and show her the same T-shirt she wore the day I caught her in my bathtub. “You should keep this.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. It looks better on you anyway.” I shoot her a wink. “Plus, I have an endless supply.”
She grabs it and presses it to her nose. “It smells like you.”
“My entire house smells likeyou.” I smirk.
Dasher barks from downstairs, and I groan. "Meet you in the kitchen," I tell her, then press my lips to hers.
As soon as my foot hits the bottom step, Dasher runs in circles. "Go take your zoomies outside." I open the door, and he flies off the deck. I leave it cracked so he can come back in when he's ready. I want to make sure I have enough time to cook Fallon something to eat before she has to make her long journey home.
We went grocery shopping a few days ago, but I still have some of the weird foods she hasn't eaten, so I'll have to see if my sister wants it. It'll only be a reminder that she's really gone.
I start her coffee and get her favorite mug ready. Once she's done with it today, I plan to clean it and give it to her because I know how much she likes the farm logo on it.
"Something smells good." She comes down, looking pretty as always in black leggings, boots, and a sweater. Her long locks are pulled up in a messy bun, and her face is freshly cleaned from her shower. Fallon's gorgeous whether she's dressed up or down, but I especially love this look on her. Casual and cute.
"Come eat while it's hot," I say.
She drinks her coffee and eats her turkey bacon. Dasher sits next to her, begging for some. I refill his water and food quickly so he stops slobbering on her.
"Got everything packed?" I ask, wiping off the counters.
"Yep. Not looking forward to unpacking or doing laundry, though."
"Yeah, that's always the downside to traveling."
"Luckily, I did a couple of loads here, so I won't have as much to do when I get home. I'm gonna need a couple of days to adjust to the time difference before I have to repack for my next assignment.”
At the mention of where she’s going next, I frown. She’s told me about it, and I'm happy she's getting to do something she'll enjoy, but she'll be three thousand miles away from me.
"At least you'll get to drink lots of coffee," I remind her.
"That's true. I'll probably be wired the whole time." She laughs softly.
"I'm sure the article will turn out great."
"That reminds me. Do you want to give me your email so I can send you the final article before it goes to publication? It'll be a few weeks until it's ready."
"You're gonna actually let me read it?" I arch a brow, and she rolls her eyes.
"Of course. I want you to like it."
I smile. "It's [email protected]."
"Okay, perfect, I'll put that in my phone so I don't forget. My boss is already begging to read the final, but I still need to fine-tune it."