Page 79 of The Joy of Us
"Do you need a replay of events? I can model naked for you."
This time I don't hold back and bellow out a hearty laugh. It feels good to be around someone who makes conversation easy and fun.
I tap my temple. "Trust me, I still have that visual right up here. Engrained forever."
"That seems like an invasion of privacy."
I shrug with amusement. Considering his tongue's been between my legs and ass cheeks, the man has no room to talk.
When our food arrives, I immediately dig in and realize just how hungry I was.
"I think this is the best steak I've ever had," I tell him.
"Told ya. It compliments the wine nicely too."
"It almost helps me forget this place looks like a neatly arranged storage warehouse for Santa's toy factory."
"Have another glass, then," he taunts. "Or bottle."
"I just might. But considering my business card was canceled, it's not happening. They get weird about alcohol when I file for a company reimbursement."
"Fallon, I'd never take you on a date and make you pay. You know how to bruise a man's ego."
"This is adate?" I meet his eyes.
He looks flabbergasted that I even asked. "Nice restaurant, fancy dinner, you looking hot as fuck. Of course it's a date. You mustreallythink I'm a serial one-night stand kind of guy."
"Aren’t you?"
He leans forward with his elbows resting on the table and clears his throat. "The last woman I slept with was six months before I met you, and I broke it off when I found out she was married. The woman before that was four months earlier. She lied about having children. I love kids and would've had no problem being with a single mom, but she lied to my face, and I don't fuck with liars. The woman before her, I took out a few times before she told me she was moving to Japan for work. I can deal with long-distance, but she had no plans to ever come back, so it was pointless to try. We ended on good terms and she's now married with a baby on the way."
I gulp at the realization of how wrong I've been about him.
"And the numerous women before her didn't work out for one reason or another, but I wasn't sleeping with them for sport. Have there been a few one-night stands? Yes. But I didn't plan them. Either they ghosted me or ended up dating someone else instead. Most couldn't handle my work schedule, and I'd rather find that out sooner than later. If for any reason I wasn't interested, I've always been straight-forward about it. I'veneverled a woman on and have always been honest. That is..." He pauses, staring intently into my eyes. "Until you."
My heart's beating so hard, I'm shocked he can't hear it. Licking my dry lips, I attempt to ask him what he means, but he continues.
"Because I haven't told you how I really feel about you. I've been holding back, respecting your wishes to pretend our night together didn’t happen. But every damn day, I bite my tongue so I don’t break down and beg you to stay—even if for a couple more weeks. I'm not ready to say goodbye to you, yet. I'm only telling you now because I don't want you leaving here thinking I used you or that you aren't worthy enough for me to fight for you. I’m not your ex because I’d never let you go if you were really mine."
Tears fill my eyes as I choke back a sob. I’m too stunned to speak as I soak in his every last word.
No man haseverallowed his heart to speak to me like this. My chest rises and falls as the world around us briefly disappears.
Levi brushes his thumb over my cheek, catching a tear. "Who knew the grinch could cry?"
I choke out a chuckle and shake my head, knowing how hard I’ve fallen in such a short time. This is his fault for being so incredible.
With my next breath, I find the courage to say my next words. "Ask me to stay."
I'd happily reschedule my flight if he wanted me here. Though I feel like I'd be a Debbie Downer during his holiday since my family stopped celebrating years ago, I'd rather spend it with him than be depressed and alone.
His face splits in two as he grabs my hand and rubs circles over it.
"Fallon Joy, will you stay and be my date for New Year's Eve?"
"Hmm...I'll have to check my schedule," I taunt, though it’s wide open.
He leans forward, his voice in a low whisper so no one else can hear. "Not to bribe you, but I'd make it worth your while. First, I’d wine and dine you. Then we’d ring the new year in as I fucked you raw and hard to the sound of fireworks."