Page 75 of The Joy of Us
“It’s a king-size,” I reassure her.
“Like that’s ever stopped you from snuggling me.”
I chuckle, amused she’s putting up this act, considering she’s the one who initiates it every time.
"We should get ready to hit the slopes so we have time to see everything. There's a nice seating area on the patio with a firepit and bar."
"I've never skied, so bear with me."
"No problem. There are plenty of instructors."
"What? No, that's embarrassing."
"Hey, it's one of the perks. Newbies get free ski lessons with a professional. Or you can fall on your ass a hundred times and potentially break something, your choice."
She groans. "Fine."
While Fallon adds layers, I contact the equipment rental and ask about lessons. Once it’s settled, I look her over.
"I rented all the gear for you," I tell her as she glances at my snowsuit, helmet, and goggles.
"I’m going to freeze, I just know it." She groans. I stand in front of her and grip her shoulders. "If you wear all that, by the time you suit up, you’ll be sweating. Ski clothes aren’t a joke, and I bet once you experience how warm it keeps you, you’ll never wear anything else in the snow again. Trust me?”
She nods and her shoulders slightly relax.
“If you’re not having fun, we’ll end the lesson, but I just want you to experience it. Who knows, you might actually enjoy it."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves.”
I chuckle at her deadpan expression.
"Alright, let's go. We need to get your gear and meet the instructor at the bunny hill."
“Bunny hill?” she asks with a brow popped.
“It’s cute. You’ll see.”
"My ass is numb," Fallon mutters as I help her up for the fifth time in twenty minutes.
"From falling or from the cold?" I tease.
"You're doing great. Just take it really slow and focus on your balance."
The ski instructor worked with Fallon for an hour, but the first thirty minutes, he yapped away about safety on the slopes and taught her how to snap her boots into the skis. The last thirty minutes was the hands-on lesson, and I was happy when it was over. I didn't like the way he kept touching her hips and making flirty comments. I was moments away from telling him to back off before the lesson was finally over, and it’s a miracle I didn’t.
Since then, I've been doing my best to teach her the basics. She's gone down the tiny hill a few times but gains too much speed, panics, and then falls.
"I'm going to stand behind you and slowly guide you down this time," I tell her, clicking out of my skis. "That way, I can catch you if needed."
"Now that sounds like fun," she quips.
"Don't fall on purpose," I warn. "You might take me out, and I'm not used to landing on my ass like you."
"Hey!" She swats at me, and I laugh when she stumbles into me.
I grip her hips and stand behind her, holding her tight as she slowly glides down the hill.