Page 22 of The Joy of Us
“I don't know, it's been burning for three days straight? Can you grab some more?”
“It's the middle of the night, Fallon. I'll do it first thing in the morning.”
“But I'm freezing my ass off now. What do you expect me to do until then?”
I roll over and pull back the covers. “Get in.”
“I'll give you my body heat so you won't freeze to death.”
My eyes finally adjust to the dark, and I see she's wrapped tightly in her blanket.
“How are you only wearing shorts?”
“The cold doesn't bother me, Fallon. You climbing in or what?”
“I guess you leave me no choice,” she mutters bitterly, and I stifle a laugh. There's the Fallon I know.
“You're welcome to take off your clothes, too.”
“Oh my God, you fucking creeper.” She whacks my chest.
“Jesus Christ, woman. Do you knowanysurvival skills?”
“Huh?” She pulls the covers up and snuggles underneath.
“Skin-to-skin contact helps regulate temperature so you warm up faster than you do wearing clothes,” I explain.
“Oh, thanks. I'm good.”
“Okay, but if your razor blade nipples cut me, I'm suing.”
The back of her hand finds my chest again, and I snicker.
“You sure you want to sleep next to a fuck boy?” I tease, throwing her own words at her.
“You gonna cry if I say no?”
This time I bellow out a laugh.
“You wound me,Fallon Joy.”
“Oh, please. By your extensive condom collection, I doubt a woman has ever hurt your feelings.”
“You went through my drawers, did ya?” I ask with amusement.
“That was before when I was unpacking some of my things. There were so many, I figured it was a perk for the renters or something. Didn't realize it was all for one lumberjack of a person.”
“Careful. You sound jealous.”
She scoffs. “Youwish. Now stay on your side, and I’ll stay on mine.”
“The whole bed ismyside.”
“Unless you want a knee to the dick, you'll stay over there.”
I chuckle. “Good night, Little Miss Seattle.”