Page 102 of The Joy of Us
She even mentions Oakley, the town's famous painter, and how her artwork is featured throughout the town. I chuckle, knowing how much she’ll love that.
Mayor Myers gets his own mention as she ties in some of the history he shared with her.
By the end, she's giving our town her highest recommendation. She encourages families to visit during the winter so they can spend quality time together and hypes it as the perfect romantic getaway for couples.
Then I read the last paragraph.
I'll leave you with my final thoughts.
Find someone who makes you become a better version of yourself and if you're lucky enough to find that person, never let them go. I arrived in Vermont wanting nothing to do with Christmas and all that comes with it. By the end, I’d left a piece of my heart there. They managed to take someone who's nicknamed The Grinch and make her fall in love again—with Christmas and everything that revolves around it.
I'm hardly breathing by the time I finish.
On top of it being beautifully written, this only validates my decision to see her.
I can't wait to thank her in person.
Another email pops up, but it’s from her personal account, with the subject line:Read After
I hope you enjoyed the article and wanted you to know that I meant every single word. While I was there, I met a lot of special people who I’ll never forget. But by far, you’re the most important person I’ve met, not only during this trip but in my entire life. You've helped me more than you'll ever realize.
You helped me see that it’s okay to enjoy Christmas again, the way my mother would've wanted me to.
You helped me understand that not everyone has bad intentions when it comes to love and dating, and showed me what I truly deserve.
You helped me find myself again after feeling lost for longer than I want to admit.
And most importantly, you helped me realize that a rare kind of love like ours is worth fighting for.
Sorry for dropping the L-bomb in an email, but I couldn't wait to tell you. Every day we spent together, I fell harder for you. Leaving you and Dasher was more painful than I realized it would be. I wish I could've stayed with you, but I made a commitment to my boss, and I wanted to fulfill that.
It wasn't until two weeks later that I realized my job would never make me as happy as you do.
So after my coffee roasters article, I sent in my resignation letter.
My boss was just as shocked as I was, but I don't regret it. In fact, I feel elated and free. Like I can finally go anywhere and do anything. Travel and see the world without a journalist's eye and
I was drowning in guilt and lived in the past, but with your help, I’ve realized it’s time to take charge of my life again.
And I really need to thank you for teaching me that even as an adult, it's okay to have snowball fights, make snow angels, ski down bunny hills, and laugh until I cry.
Levi White, you've changed my life, and I'll love you forever because of that.
PS—I sent something to your house. It should be there now.
It takes a few moments to wipe my face and clear my vision. She has no idea how much I needed that, and now I get to tell her tomorrow in person that I love her too.
Dasher lays his head on my arm as if he knows Fallon wrote us.
“Don't worry, she mentioned you too.” I pet him, but he starts whining. “What's wrong?”
He barks and jumps off of the couch, spinning around. He’s losing his damn mind pacing and yelping.
“Okay, relax! Dasher! Chill out. Let's go outside.”