Page 19 of Waking up Married in Vegas
So, my besties were out as entertainment options. And I didn’t feel like talking to anyone else. With nothing else to do, I chose some random Netflix movie and played around on my phone while half-watching it. I had tons of pictures of me and Dean together already and couldn’t help scrolling through them.
We looked good together. And happy. And…in love. It was a scary word, but it was obvious. We were crazy about each other; it was written on our faces. Seeing it, I had no idea how we had ignored each other for a full year. It almost seemed ridiculous now. Like the Eric chapter was a nightmare, and me and Dean were waking life.
I started to text Dean, but then I put my phone down on the coffee table with a solid thunk. A day apart wouldn’t kill us. At least, I didn’t think it would. I did my best to focus on my movie, but then I noticed it was almost over. I had missed most of it, unsurprisingly. I chose a different one after getting up for some popcorn and ice cream. It was going to be one of those days.
I had just hit play when my door buzzer sounded, indicating someone was at my apartment.
“No. I don’t want whatever you’re selling,” I mumbled jokingly under my breath.
I wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone that wasn’t a gorgeous six-foot man. Whoever it was didn’t care about my wishes, though, and rang again. And again.
“Alright. Fine. I’m coming. Chill out.” I stood and ambled to the window, sticking my head out to look at the front of the building. There was a familiar guy standing in the entryway.
“Eric? What the hell are you doing here?” I yelled, not even caring if my neighbors heard.
Two run-ins with him were two too many. It was unacceptable. Without waiting for his reply, I ducked back in, prepared to close the window and ignore his existence.
He jerked his head towards my voice. “Jillian, wait. I just need a minute, I promise. It’s important. Give me a minute, and then I’ll leave you alone. For good, if that’s what you want.”
I scowled, but hesitated. He was frustratingly persistent; I knew that firsthand. If I didn’t let him say whatever he needed to say he was likely to keep harassing me. I just wanted him out of my life.
“You get two minutes. I’ll come down there.” I closed the window and looked for my sandals. Then gave up the hunt. On the way to the door, I passed a mirror and flinched at my rough appearance. Then I remembered that I didn’t care about his opinion anymore and headed straight for the door.
Outside, I leaned against the building a healthy distance away, and glared openly at my ex. I didn’t say a word. I knew it would piss him off.
And it worked. The silence got to him, and he broke our stalemate first. “Look. I’m sorry, okay? I was an idiot, I know that. I took you for granted. I made a mistake and let my dick make my decisions for me. I’m not proud of it, believe me.”
“Why are you telling me all of this? That can’t be why you came over here. I’m already very aware of your idiocy and dickishness,” I interjected, not wanting to hear any more of his pathetic excuses. Or his poor excuse for an apology. Nothing would make up for what he did.
“I didn’t really apologize before. I didn’t get the chance, uhh, after you found us. I owed you that,” he said, with a surprising degree of humanity.
I was almost impressed.Almost,but not enough. “Great. Thanks. Is that it?” I stood and turned towards the front door.
“No. Wait,” he said quickly. “That’s not everything. You’re right. That’s not why I came over. I need you to stop whatever you are doing with Dean.”
I laughed harshly. He was so damn predictable. “Umm, excuse me? Are you insane? You really think you have any say in what I do?”
“No, I don’t.” He jammed his fingers through his already mussed hair. “I am hoping to convince you, for your own good. You should stay away from him.”
I debated walking inside. He was so full of it. This was about his ego, nothing more. But he was being uncharacteristically serious. And I was morbidly curious what nonsense he’d come up with.
“I’ll bite,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. “And why is that?”
Eric stepped closer and lowered his voice. “Jillian, come on. It’s messed up, you have to see that. A few days after we broke up? Imagine what everyone is going to assume. What they are going to say. I’m thinking of you. This won’t end well.”
“No, you are thinking ofyou, as always. You can’t stand that people will think I chose him over you. Or that maybe I picked the wrong brother from the beginning,” I shot back.
“Well, our breakup wasn’t exactly your choice, was it?” He sneered. “That kind of ruins your story, doesn’t it?”
I reared back. “We’re done here. I don’t know why I bothered.”
He reached for my arm but I quickly slipped out of his reach. “No, dammit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. Just listen. My brother acts like he’s the perfect little son, the upstanding pilot and all-around good guy. But he isn’t. Far from it. You barely know him. He’ll hurt you too, just wait.”
I rolled my eyes. “Oh please. Not any worse than you did. It’s not possible. I know him enough to know that.” I started back towards the door.
“I wouldn’t be so sure.”
“Eric, I’m tired and sick of looking at you,” I said in an annoyed tone. “Whatever you came here to say, just say it.”