Page 93 of Craving Love
My father gently caresses my cheek. “Alexa, deep breaths. We don’t need to discuss it now. There will be the right time when you’re ready.”
“I screwed up,” I whisper. “I hurt you.”
A small smile graces Dad’s lips, but it’s a proud smile. “I’m built strong. Not perfect, but strong. We all screw up. It’s called life. There are so many things I did wrong, but the only thing you can do is learn to move on. Life stops for no one. Things happen, and people change. We love, we hurt, but if we’re lucky enough, we have each other to get through those hard times.”
My chest hitches as I sob uncontrollably, prompting Dad to wrap his arms around me. Inside his embrace, I feel safe. No one can hurt me, not even myself. As I pull back, I notice my mascara run on his shirt.
“Your shirt …”
“I’m used to it,” he says, keeping his voice low. “Each one of your sisters has cried on me at one point or another. Your mother is probably the worst offender.”
I manage a small smile. “The ultimate girl dad.”
He stares into my eyes profoundly. “I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
My arms wrap around him again. It feels like we have years to catch up, and I hate myself for stealing this time away from us. Suddenly, my stomach grumbles. I haven’t eaten since lunchtime, given the food at the event rarely came my way before my encounter upstairs with Hunter.
A heavy sigh escapes me, wondering what he is doing right now.
“How about I head out and grab a pizza,” he suggests. “Your mother is probably starving too.”
“Mom is here?”
“Inside the living room, or maybe outside this door, waiting for the green light to come in and fuss all over you.”
My lips curve upward into a smile. “You can send her in.”
There are some things I want Dad to know, but some things remain best between us girls.
“Dad,” I call softly, fidgeting with the edge of my blanket. “I handed in my resignation tonight. But there is one thing I want to talk to you about. I just don’t know how to say it.”
He places his hand on mine. “You can tell me anything. Just remember, my silence means I’m processing.”
“Do you know Chester Jones?”
A smirk settles on his lips. “Alexa, you don’t need to say another word. I know him. I know everything. He’s not the first person to try and bring me down, and he won’t be the last.”
“Okay, I just didn’t feel right about the whole thing.”
“I may not know anything about being a teenage girl or becoming a woman. I don’t understand women’s fascination with suits or even gray sweatpants. What I know is business. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I wasn’t always one step ahead of everyone else.”
I quickly grab Dad’s arm. “Don’t ruin Hunter’s company, please?”
It’s obvious to see Dad is doing his best to control his opinions on the subject, given I’d called Hunter by his name and not formally as Mr. Cash. My father is smart enough to figure it out.
“Sweetheart, don’t worry about my business.” He stands tall to leave the room but stops at the door. “I want you to start living your life the way you want.”
Moments later, Mom enters. Unlike Dad, who is fairly controlled, she rushes by my side. Her hug is like a warm blanket on a cold winter's day. Filling me with comfort and protection, a safe place to express my thoughts.
“I fell in love with him, Mom. It was different to Cole, you know? It was just so. I don’t have the words to explain it.”
Mom draws in a breath, then releases slowly. “Consuming.”
“Yes, it did consume me. I know I shouldn’t compare, but my relationship with Cole felt shallow. It’s why …” I trail off, trying to find the strength to tell her the truth. It has to be now. I need help to get through this because doing it alone has been the hardest part of this so-called journey. “Mom, I fell pregnant in senior year.”
“Alexa,” Mom chokes. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was scared, terrified actually. I didn’t even tell Cole. He was so excited to go to college, and all I could think about was how this baby with ruin everyone’s lives. Cole’s, our family, and I was scared to raise a baby on my own and so young.”