Page 20 of Craving Love
“Me.” Eric has to insert himself into the conversation. He’s known to have major FOMO. “And I’ll tell you why. The key to avoiding back problems is to make sure you do the right exercises. For example, you’ll want to be bent over in a comfortable position.”
I raise my hand. “I’m out.”
For the second time today—actually third, if you counted his ramble about pegging when we were trying to zip Millie’s dress past her ass—I’m walking away from Eric.
In desperate need of something to drink, I make my way to grab champagne. It’s all I’ve drunk in the last day, and I’m surprised the multiple glasses last night didn’t leave me with a hangover. The endless conversations with each person last night who all asked the same questions made it a long night.When are you coming home? What college will you attend once you’re back?Blah, blah, blah.
“So, drinking again?”
I turn around to see Beau standing behind me. With a drink in hand that looks like a bourbon, he looks extra handsome in his gray suit. Again, nothing like the guy I remember who would torment me in the cubby house and insist an earthquake was coming leading to our morbid deaths.
A typical East Coast boy whohatedCalifornia.
His dark brown hair is kinda messy, probably because I’ve seen him run his hands through it multiple times. Only now do I notice the tattoo on the side of his neck appears to be an image of something. I can’t work out exactly what it is without getting closer. Then, my eyes gravitate to his hand where I remember he has another. This tattoo appears to be script, but again, I can’t figure out what without getting closer.
“Special occasion,” I respond with a forced smile. “We have to celebrate the newlyweds.”
“I guess you have a point.” He extends his glass to clink. “Cheers.”
Our glasses touch, then I take a sip, only to remember our conversation last night.
“So, how was your trip to the gentlemen’s club last night? Catch any diseases?”
A smirk spreads across his face before he brings the glass to his lips. “Maybe, from the dirty restroom.”
My face pulls back in disgust. “You fucked a whore in a public restroom?”
“Who said anything about a whore?”
“You did.” My voice comes out all high-pitched like I’m annoyed or something. I take a breath to calm myself down. “You said you were going to a gentlemen’s club.”
“Yes, it was a gentlemen’s club. The gentleman drank scotch and played poker,” he informs me smugly. “You assumed it involved women.”
My brows snap together as my lips press tightly while I glance at the ground, kicking a loose pebble.
“Oh, my bad.”
“Do you really think I’m that type of guy? You’re so hung up on me being a player.”
Only now do I notice my dad watching us. His expression is soft. Even from a distance, his eyes shine bright in the emerald green he is known for. I quickly turn away, knowing his happiness is because of Addy, not me.
“I’m not into men,” I blurt out, half thinking. “I mean, whatever. Do whatever you want.”
“What happened? Got some girl-on-girl action during your time away?”
“What?” I shake my head. “No. That is such a guy thing to say. I meant to say I haven’t thought about a guy for such a long time. It’s kind of a nice thing sometimes to not have to worry about a boyfriend and just do my own thing.”
Beau’s smile is undeniable as he tilts his head with curiosity. “Let’s see how long that will last.”
I raise the glass of champagne to my lips. “Is it a bet or something? Because I could use the money.”
Laughter escapes him. “What do you think? I’m some billionaire or something? Wrong brother.”
We’re interrupted as servers enter the space with trays of hors d’oeuvres. Just as I’m about to grab something to eat, Ava pulls me away to take photos with our family. The photographer is someone known in the fashion world though I didn’t quite pick up his name given he sputtered in French. His demands, however, were intense.
Ava knows all her angles and where to place her hands and arms. I’m like a baby deer in the woods. Unless the camera is forward-facing in my hand in selfie mode, I have no clue how to pose.
The photographer took every combo possible, then started inviting the rest of the family. It dragged on forever. For the group shot, he strategically placed people based on height and who looked good next to who. There were a lot of couples but also a lot of us singles.