Page 17 of Craving Love
Masen’s parents, Haden and Presley, were also staying close by with their son Cruz, Addy’s bestie. To be honest, I’m surprised he came, but according to Ava, all is well in their friendship. There was a time when Cruz was in love with Addy, but then she went sneaking around with Masen. Talk about complicated.
I often wonder how Ava manages to get anything done since she’s up in everyone’s business. Who needs TMZ when you have an older sister like Ava?
My cousins Andy and Jessa, though it’s still weird to call them a married couple when, in fact, they are both my cousins but on either side of the family, we’re the only ones unable to make it. Jessa is in her last trimester and unable to fly. Millie did promise to make sure we video call the whole event so they can be there in real-time.
The last to arrive are Rocky and Nikki, Will’s parents with his younger brother, Beau. They took a late flight in from JFK which explains why they look wrecked and are also staying somewhere in town.
Beau is another person I’m surprised to see. Much like me, he rarely attends family events, always trying to find an excuse or is probably busy with the string of girls he leads on. I’m assuming his parents dragged him here against his own will.
The dinner is being held at a local vineyard, the one Dad and Uncle Noah co-own, or something like that. The restaurant located on the property is cozy but enough to fit a long wooden table with seats for everyone. There are candles everywhere, but thankfully the kids are smart enough not to touch them. At least, the older ones are. Ava’s daughter, River, has been eyeing them for a solid ten minutes. With a pacifier in her mouth, she looks ready to strike at any moment and stick her chubby little hands out to touch them.
As I said, it’s nothing but chaos. The kids are loud. The chatter is loud. Servers are weaving in and out, making sure everyone has a plate and glasses filled with wine. There’s cheese everywhere. I saw some escargot, but that’s a hard pass from me. If it comes down to snails or brains, I might just choose brains since I accidentally ordered it last week thinking it was veal.
There’s lots of laughter, and smiles, then a small toast as Ava mentioned the big toast is for tomorrow night. I don’t understand why we are having a pre-wedding dinner, given tomorrow's reception will be the same thing, with the same people.
This is what happens when your father is a billionaire. Money to burn like it’s nothing. Meanwhile, I’ve been busting my ass just to survive.Don’t complain. You chose not to accept his money.
After dinner, I take a quick walk around the grounds just to burn off the food since I’m not used to eating so much anymore. I’m not sure whether it was all the cheese or whatever meat I ate, but something isn’t sitting right.
The air is crisp and clean, nothing at all like the air back home. When I cross a small footbridge back toward the main area, I turn a corner and bump into a hard body.
“Oh God,” I yell, startled by the encounter as my heart races. Quickly, I look up to see it’s Beau. “Shit, Beau? You scared me.”
His hand grips my arms as he holds me in place while I try to calm down. My breaths begin to slow, but my heart is still thumping loudly.
“I’m surprised you remember me.” Beau releases his grip from my arms, but his piercing hazel eyes continue to stare at me. “Aren’t you a woman of the world now? The rebel going against Daddy’s wishes?”
The fancy champagne is sitting on the tall tables scattered across the patio. I motion for him to follow me, so I can grab a glass. With the drink in hand, I down it in one go, then place it back down.
My insides turn warm and fuzzy, which is oddly satisfying. Only now, I take a proper look at Beau. When did he get so tall? Maybe it’s the dark suit. Usually, he’s dressed so casually in a tee and jeans. My eyes wander to the tattoo on his neck, then the other on his hand. I want to ask out of curiosity, but in the same breath, I don’t want him to think I was looking at him in any other way than a family member attending my sister’s wedding.
From what I last heard, he’s still bumming in Manhattan with his parents. Perhapsbummingis the wrong word since their apartment is on Park Avenue and Beau attended some private school. According to the various gossip channels in my family, Beau is a notorious troublemaker unlike his billionaire older brother.
“And what are you doing with your life, huh?” I ask, staring at him fiercely. “Looking for your next target? As long as she can spread her legs, right? Isn’t that what boys your age want?”
“Boys?” he questions with a raised brow. “Quite the chip on your shoulder, Miss Edwards. What happened to the good little girl who would play nice with me when our parents insisted we hang out? Who hurt you, huh?”
“I’m not a little girl anymore,” I drag, not wanting to answer him. “Anyway, I’m surprised you’re here.”
“How can I pass up an opportunity to drink champagne in Champagne? I’m nineteen … makes it all legal here.”
I glance around, watching my family busy themselves in chit-chat. No one saw me take a glass, and given the legal drinking age is eighteen, I reach for another two, then hand Beau one. His crooked smile turns into a mischievous grin before he downs the contents of the glass in one go.
“The perks of being in Europe,” I say with a smile. “Freedom to live life to the fullest.”
“The last I heard, you’ve been waiting tables at some seedy pub in London,” he answers in a condescending tone. “Hope that’s all you’re doing to make cash.”
I purse my lips. “You’ve been misinformed. The café was great in London. The place in Italy was, let’s say, uneventful. The bar in Paris … I’m just glad it was only a week. As for you insinuating I make money with my body, you’re a jerk for even thinking that.”
“Now, now,” he teases, cocking his head. “Play nice, Alexa.”
My shoulders remain straight, not wanting him to think I’m having a horrible time since he might blab it to someone in my family. It wasn’tthatbad. Sure, it’s not glamorous, but it’s not like I can go back home and have my father tell me he was right, or even worse, borrow money in which Ava is right.
I hate it when Ava is right.
“So, then what I heard isn’t all true?”
“What else have you heard?”