Page 44 of Lock Me Inside
Colt stands, waiting in front of me. If anybody wants to start laughing, now would be the time to do it. I’m still waiting, still hoping, even though every passing moment makes it less likely that I’m getting out of this.
“Get up.” His voice is flat, like he’s left every ounce of humanity behind. He takes me by the arm when I don’t move fast enough and hauls me to my feet. I’m expecting somebody to yell gotcha and laugh at me. Why aren’t they laughing?
James unbuckles his belt and takes his time about sliding it free before handing it to Nix, who stands behind me and takes my wrists in one hand. I guess I’m too deep in shock to try to fight. All I can do is stand still, frozen in terror, disgust, and disbelief. This is actually happening. They are really going to go through with this, aren’t they? Nix cinches the belt tight enough that I grit my teeth against a pained gasp.
“On your knees.” Nix doesn’t wait for me to move. His hands are on my shoulders, shoving me down onto my knees. The sound of Colt’s zipper being lowered catches my attention, and from the corner of my eye, I see him taking himself out of his shorts. He sits down, and Nix sits beside him, also freeing himself.
But it’s James’s zipper that makes my blood run cold, the thought of him being part of this. Bile rushes up and fills my throat, and I’m afraid I’m about to throw up all over myself. Maybe if I do, they won’t make me go through with this. It’s almost tempting enough to make me let loose—though I might end up being punished for that in some humiliating way. Which would be worse?
“Come on, now,” James murmurs. “Give me a good show. Be a good girl and suck those cocks, and maybe I won’t have to fuck your face myself.”
Oh no. Not that. Anything but that. I’d rather go through with this than give him an excuse to do that. There’s not so much as a sliver of sympathy in the eyes of either of my stepbrothers, both of them stroking themselves in front of me.
“Get to work,” James mutters. I don’t dare glance his way. I don’t want to see what he’s doing. I would rather pretend he isn’t here.
Nobody would believe this if I tried to tell them. I know that for sure. Because this is unimaginable.
I’m sure nobody would believe I was unconscious when I got their name tattooed on my ass, either. No, they’ve set me up beautifully, haven’t they? I’m completely under their control now. And it looks like I have a job to do, or else the nightmare is only going to get worse.
I shuffle forward on my knees and position myself between Colt’s spread thighs. He’s closest to me, so I might as well take care of him first.
There are tears in my eyes as I lean down, catching the tip of his dick with my tongue. He sighs softly, still stroking, directing himself to my mouth. Feeding himself to me. I lift my eyes and meet his gaze for the first time since this started, but there’s no reading what’s going on behind those eyes. His expression is blank and detached. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he doesn’t want to be here. But he is certainly hard enough—which means this can’t bother him too much, if at all.
“Get to it,” James grunts. “Suck that cock. Show me how much you love it.”
I open my mouth a little and take him inside, lowering my head until my lips touch the base of his shaft. Colt sinks a hand into my hair, groaning as I lift my head before plunging down again. I just have to get through this, that’s all. I can’t think about it. I just have to do it and get it over with.
“That’s right. Take it all,” James grunts. His breathing is already starting to quicken as he jerks off to the sight of me going down on his son.
I increase the pressure from my tongue, hoping it will get this over with faster, but Colt pulls my hair a little in response. “Slow down. Not so hard.” So much for that.
“She’s eager,” James observes with approval in his voice. “She can’t wait to drink your cum. Give it to her.”
Oh god. I want to die.
“That’s right,” Colt whispers, moving his hips in time with my movements. “That’s nice. Suck it.”
“Don’t be so fucking greedy.” Nix takes me by the throat and lifts me away from Colt, pulling me closer to his own hard, dripping dick. “Remind me how good you are. Don’t act like you didn’t like it the first time.”
I do as he says, totally detached now, forcing myself through the motions of bobbing up and down, swallowing back my saliva, doing everything I can to ignore the grunts and groans and the way James mutters his approval while he watches.
I don’t know how long it takes, going back and forth between them, letting them use me. I only know it’s a relief when Colt clamps down on the back of my head and starts jerking his hips, fucking my face—not brutally, but forcefully enough that tears roll down my cheeks. I brace myself for what I know is going to come, and it’s almost a mercy when it does, when he explodes and shoots his load down my throat. I swallow it as fast as I can, struggling to keep up but managing to catch it all before he slides out of my mouth with a sigh.
“Good, very good,” James whispers, breathing fast. “Finish Nix. Make him come like a good little girl.”
Nix wastes no time thrusting into my mouth. I want to pull back. I want to push away from him but can’t with my hands behind me. All I can do is try to brace myself on my knees while he takes me hard and fast, fucking my face with no consideration, no care about anything but his satisfaction. All I can do is fight to hold on, fight to keep from choking on him as he hits the back of my throat again and again.
James’s strained breathing fills the room. “That’s right. Fuck her face. Make her feel it.” Tears roll down my cheeks, and a strangled sob stirs in my throat, but he seems to like that, too, groaning louder than before.
“You ready for me?” Nix pants, and I barely have time to register the question before he shoves me down hard, grinding my nose against his base and cutting off my air an instant before filling my mouth and throat with cum. There’s so much going on at once that I can barely keep track—I can’t breathe. I’m choking. I’m gagging. I’m going to throw up.He won’t let me breathe!My muffled, panicked groans make James breathe harder than ever, and I can hear him grunting in the final moments before he comes, too, with a growl that echoes in my ears, even over the sound of my pounding heart.
It’s a relief when Nix lets me up for air. I’m still choking and gasping, but I did it. I made it through. And now it’s over, thank god. And I want more than anything to stand in the shower for the rest of the day, even though I know it will do nothing to erase the filth all over me.
James groans before chuckling, patting me on the head like an obedient dog. “Good girl. You made Daddy very happy.”
Without saying another word, James stands, whistling softly as he walks up the stairs. I slump a little, my head hanging low, my shoulders heaving as I fight to regain my breath. I barely register the guys getting up and walking around me. One of them releases my wrists before running their fingers over the tender skin where the belt cut into it. I don’t know which one because I don’t want to turn around. I don’t want confirmation that we just shared this experience.
We stay this way for a moment, silent until finally, I whisper, “Let me go. Please. Let me walk out of here. I will never come back. I swear I won’t tell anybody about this because I just want to forget it. You can’t force me to stay here and do this. You want to be rid of me? Here’s your chance. Let me go.”