Page 6 of About Last Night
“I bet you have.” Hendrix whips her shirt off her body. I crowd her space, not wanting the other people in the parking lot see the spectacular fucking view.
“You’re trouble, sweetheart. I can see it, feel it, and hear it. Now, stay where you are. I’m liking the view, but I doubt very seriously you want the world to know the color of your nipples.” I reach over the side of my Bronco when I realize Hendrix didn’t bother with a bra when she got dressed today, digging in the duffle bag I keep back there until I find the shirt I’m looking for. It’s black and bigger than what she took off and will probably hang to her knees, but at least she’ll be covered. What I’m not prepared for is when I press closer to Hendrix. Hands that were once by her side are now pressing firmly against my lower abdomen. My cock is relentlessly hard when I’m around the troublemaker. Our verbal sparring is clearly a form of foreplay. Thankfully, today, the jeans I’m wearing are masking my hard-on. That doesn’t stop me from wedging a knee between her legs.
“Speak for yourself.” Hendrix doesn’t pull away. The woman who claims to hate me spreads herself wider, core hitting my thigh, grinding down on it. The shirt I was about to hand her leaves my grasp when one hand goes to her hip, pulling us closer together, and the other one cups her cheek.
“Fuck, I’m gonna take your mouth,” I announce before I dip my head and lap at her lower lip with my tongue, tasting the coffee she was drinking and the underlying flavor of mint. The bag Hendrix was clutching in her hand falls to the ground. Our mouths mesh together, me dominating as much as I can without being too forceful yet showing her exactly what I’m capable of. I can take her mouthiness, but when it comes to this area of the arena, she’s going to know who’s the fucking boss. When my tongue meets hers, I’m not being tentative in the least, taking the kiss she is giving me, feeling her grind across my thigh, feeling the wetness soak through her leggings and heating my jeans. Fuck, if we were anywhere else, I’d be stripping those damn things down, my hand would be between her legs, and it’d be my fingers sliding along her slit, gathering the wetness to circle around her clit to give her the friction she needs while I thrust my fingers inside her pussy.
“Son of a bitch.” I tear my mouth away from hers, feeling the stinging bite from her teeth against my bottom lip. “You’ve lost it, seriously lost it. I don’t know why I’m even trying.” I back away. That orgasm she was so willing to receive is coming to an abrupt end.
“Maybe you shouldn’t be trying. It’s not like I’m willing to go the distance with a guy like you.” One day soon, that mouth of hers is going to write checks she can’t cash and it’ll be my cock keeping it busy.
“I guess it’s a good thing you biting me didn’t do anything but turn me on. You want to play this game you’re insisting on playing, this is where I’m getting off. The ride isn’t worth the fucking whiplash.” I grab the shirt that was dropped in my quest for getting a taste of Hendrix.
“You started this charade. I’m ending it.” She takes the shirt out of my hand, shocking me once again as she slips out of the tiny top that’s soaked through with coffee, too, giving me an unhindered view of her tits. At the light bounce, the way I know they’d fit perfectly in the palm of my hands, how her nipples definitely match the shade of her lips, a soft dusty pink, my mouth salivates for a taste. “Enjoy the show. It’s the last one you’ll get from me.”
“That’s what you think, Hendrix, but go ahead. Run off. That’s what you seem to do when the tough gets going.” My eyes coast over the parking lot, looking for cameras that could have captured her stripping. That would be all we’d need to happen, having us plastered all over the fucking Internet. She’d really have an issue then.
“I’m not running. It’s called playing it safe, and you, Madden, are anything but.” Her body is covered just as quickly as she gave me the sweetest glimpse. Then she bends down and grabs her bag as well as the white shirt, and I watch as she leaves, giving her this play. I’ll be seeing her soon. It’s inevitable at this point.
I can’t believethis is what I’ve succumbed to, getting myself off while the water cascades down my body. The tile behind me, one hand tweaking my nipple as the other holds the showerhead, finding the right setting and placement too easily. That’s what I get for trying to ride Madden’s leg in a parking lot, so close to coming, and then I had to turn into a raging bitch and bit his bottom lip so hard I’m pretty sure I tasted blood. Still, he probably wouldn’t have stopped if I hadn’t pushed him away, too. And, boy, did I screw the pooch. I could have at least waited till I got off before I yelled at him. Seriously, the guy may be a walking dickhead, but I have a feeling he knows exactly how to use said dick and that he’d rock my world. That’s the problem, though. I have shit taste in men, I’m gun shy, and I’m really apprehensive. My head tips back as I replay the feel of his cock pressing into my hip, the look on his face when I whipped the top off my body, how he visibly swallowed when I let my inhibitions drop, something I never do. My girls would be proud of me, not caring that it was in broad daylight. The puffing of his chest, the way I knew he wanted more, it was so freaking worth it. Plus, the fact that I got a rise out of him in more ways than just his dick. It made me feel like I was the only person in a sea of millions.
Which is why I’m now thinking about what it would be like to have him here in the shower with me, his fingers, mouth, or cock doing what the showerhead is doing. The way Madden kissed me, I bet his mouth could work my core like nothing else.
“Oh God.” A moan leaves my lips. Everything slides by the wayside. I still haven’t heard from the vet about Jolene, so I placed my phone on the bathroom counter before I stripped out of my clothes to take a shower, making sure not to dirty up the shirt Madden left me with, still smelling the scent of mulled spice and a zesty orange. Secretly, I’d love nothing more than to feel and see his body as naked as mine is currently. My fingers hit the dial, hitting the pulsation setting, so ready to get the orgasms that I denied myself earlier. Really, I’m a dumbass. Every woman knows to at least reach the O before leaving. Maybe I should read a handbook on how not to be a dumbass.
“Oh fuck,” I grumble, hitting that spot that has my core clenching, wishing desperately that I had at least thought to bring a toy in the shower with me. Another amateur mistake. It doesn’t stop the stimulation against my clit. I add in the pinching of my nipple. It has my eyes squeezing shut, light bursting beneath the lids as I have the most powerful orgasm I’ve had in too long of time. It takes me a few moments to come back to myself, hand leaving my breast, slowly moving the showerhead away from my body, hypersensitive from the stimulation. What first started out as me getting the clothes off my body from sugar-saturated drink quickly turned into a Hendrix-needs-an-orgasm moment.
“You’re an idiot, so angry at a man you barely know, and for what?” I swear the feeling of coming relaxes your body. The anger you were holding on slowly dissipates. Not that I’m even willing to see Madden again, but with my luck, I’m sure I won’t be that fortunate to dodge him. I slowly place the nozzle back on the holder, legs still trembling from the powerfulness of making myself come, worried that if I ever did have Madden on top of me, beneath me, or anywhere in between, he’d ruin me for not only any other man, but he would more than likely wreck me for toys, my hands, and my beloved showerhead.
“Don’t think like that.” I step beneath the water, deciding to wash my hair seeing as how the ends were splashed with the spillage even though I just took care of this process days ago. Men really have no idea how easy they have it. As soon as my hair is saturated, I shut my brain down on any and all things Madden, wash and condition my long tresses, then take care of my face along with my body. Which, by the way, my breasts and center, yeah, those two areas are still crazy sensitive, so much so that my flesh pebbles along the way, even after I shut the water off, grab a towel, and dry off. It’s like the ghost of Madden’s presence is soaking through my body, and he hasn’t even been inside me.
My phone still shows no new calls, texts, or emails that are Jolene related. And since I’m showered, the whole cleaning the house thing has been tossed out the window. Instead, I grab the discarded shirt, tempted to slide it over my head, but even I know that’s not a smart idea. In the dead of night, when no one is around and the sun is down, that’s when I’ll wear it. Maybe it’ll be easier to ignore the fact that Madden is the first man I’ve somewhat been sexually attracted to in years. And doesn’t that just suck for me.
“Hi, I’m here for Cooper.”I got the phone call shortly after what I’d like to call the blue balls incident with Hendrix. That fucking woman is full of surprises—stripping down, taking what she wants from me until I’m practically panting like a dog in heat. Then to go for the kill, little does she know, a little pain mixed with my pleasure only makes me that much harder. If I had my way, we would have done a fuck ton more in that parking lot. Her hand would have been wrapped around my cock for one thing, my mouth on her tempting nipples, going after one then the other. My hand sliding down the length of her torso, feeling the way her skin pebbled in desire as I made it to her leggings, the band, the only thing hindering me from the promise of her sweet pussy. Christ, I need to quit thinking about Hendrix and fucking the hell out of her while in public.
“I’ll let the technician know he’s ready for pickup.” She picks up the phone and does something on the computer, I’m assuming pulling up the records and the costs she’s about to charge me.
“Thank you. I know you can’t give out personal information, but can you go ahead and put Jolene’s bill on mine? The golden retriever from earlier this morning?” The lady nods, so I keep going, “I’ll go ahead and pay for her service as well as the overnight stay I know she’s got coming, too.”
“Are you sure about that? The total will be quite the fee along with yours.” I don’t brag about my bank account. I’m not completely well known unless you’re in the gaming world. So, what I have is just that, mine.
“I’m positive. Hendrix isn’t an easy person to apologize to. Maybe this will work in my favor.” I offer up my credit card without asking for the total. I’m paying it either way. It would have been cheaper if Hendrix had at least let me repay her for the coffee. The way she jetted out of the parking lot like the flames of hell were on her feet made it impossible.
“I’m sure she’ll appreciate the gesture.” I hear my boy before I can see him. He’s barking, not in a ‘there’s a person at the door or a dog he wants to play with; it’s a soft noise with a whine that Coop has seen his owner.
“I hope so. Can you leave my number for her, just in case?” I swipe my card just as Cooper comes out to greet me, running into my thigh with the cone around his head. That’s going to make for an interesting week or so.
“Of course. Here’s your receipt. The doctor mentioned when you dropped him off that he shouldn’t lick the area where the stitches are. No jumping, running, or rough playing until they dissolve, which should be in about seven to ten days. Pain medicine is as needed, and antibiotics need to be taken regularly.”
“You got it, thank you.” I nod my head to the technician who brought Coop out, holding his leash. He’s not his usual hyper self. I’m sure that has something to do with the anesthesia Cooper was given. If I have any luck, maybe he’ll remain that way the rest of the day. Exhaustion is settling in, and I’m hoping for a quiet rest of the day relaxing on the couch.