Page 2 of About Last Night
“It’s all done. Cammy picked the sides: smashed potatoes and fruit.” This he’s not disgusted with. Can’t blame him either.
“I’m assuming Piper is choosing dessert?” Already knowing that girl will not ever allow snow cones to be that; this is more of a snack before dinner. The girl has the metabolism of a teenage boy. She eats breakfast then has a snack, eats lunch then another snack, dinner and then shortly after, it’s dessert.
“Shit for ice cream sundaes is at the ready.” He douses the snow cones with five different flavors.
“Alright, then, I’m going to say hello to my girls, drop Coop with them so he can swim and play. Then I’m making a fucking drink.” I’m still pissed as fuck about the situation with Hendrix. Not like I can apologize. My dog has made it impossible, and I’m sure I could have handled things a shit ton better.
“How is your day that bad? You didn’t even go into the office,” Forest asks, grabbing the two snow cones while we walk to the back porch.
“One word: Cooper,” I grunt, remembering how we happened to be at the same spot as Hendrix and Jolene earlier this week. I knew the moment shit was going down. Hendrix was grumbling about me not getting Cooper fixed, marking his territory like some Alpha caveman does. Then there was today. This time, I planned it, hoping we’d see her so I could apologize. Cooper is a fucking cockblock.
“I told you, dogs are chick magnets. If anything, you’re the issue, bro.”
“Sure, we’ll go with that. Earlier this week, he pissed all over Hendrix, and then today, he was trying to hump Jolene,” I tell him as we make our way out back. Cooper slithers in front of us, heading straight for the girls. Cammy is older, at the age of five, whereas Piper just turned three.
“Mad-Mad,” Piper runs towards me, arms up. Cammy rushes toward Forest, ready for her snow cone.
“Hey, Piper, baby. You got a kiss for your uncle?” I ask. Her speech is slightly delayed. They’ve been working with a speech therapist, but things aren’t moving as quickly as any of us would like.
“Uncle Madden, what’s hump mean?”
“Jesus Christ, Mad. I can’t get a fucking break,” Forest says loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Good job.” Krissy comes out of her chair. I’d like to say it’s to greet me, but it’s not. She’s spitting mad. I’m pretty sure it’s not from something Forest or I said. It’s for an entirely different reason, and I think I’ll be dipping out of dinner judging by the look on her face.
“Ah, it’s something Cooper likes to do when he’s excited.” I’m direct, trying to keep it vague, too. Piper chooses that time to lay a big smack on my cheek, wet hands and body saturating my once sweaty clothes.
“Okay, Daddy. I wouldn’t say those words again. Mommy will be upset.” I bend down, kissing Cammy’s cheek. “Come on, Cooper.” She snaps her fingers at my dog, and wouldn’t you know, he happily trots alongside of her. I’m pretty sure Coop would be better suited for their house, but Krissy wouldn’t have it.
“Maybe I won’t stay for dinner after all.” I look at Forest. He’s calm, cool, and collected. Krissy, on the other hand, looks like she’s about to breathe fire.
“Hang with the girls for a bit, yeah?” Forest states. I don’t respond. There’s no need. Forest may fuck up and say a word now and then that the girls probably shouldn’t hear. We all do that, so I’m guessing this is another one of their arguments that will end up with Forest sitting outside, feeding the girls and myself while Krissy sulks inside, refusing to eat with her family. It’s fucked up, whatever it is.
“Sure. Come on. Will you share your sno-cone with Uncle Mad?” I ask Piper while holding the sugary sweetness Forest passed off to me. I move to the radio, turning it up a notch in case shit gets too loud, then Pipe and I walk to where Cammy is sitting with Cooper, her feet dangling in the water. I kick my shoes off and do the same. It’s no wonder my dog loves my niece as much as he does. Piper takes a bite of hers then proceeds to give Coop one, and Cammy does the exact same thing. I’m definitely going to have to ask my own nieces for advice when it comes to my traitorous dogs.
“Want some?” Piper offers.
“No thanks. Cammy, how’s school going? Learning anything new?” I ask.
“School’s okay.” She shrugs her shoulders then goes back to her snow cone.
“You mean you aren’t smarter than your dad yet?” I crack a joke. Coop barks, wanting another taste. It gives me an idea on what I need to do to keep him on a tighter rope. I should have realized it before now. Anyone wants to be rewarded when they do a good job.
Cammy starts laughing up a storm, which makes Piper do the same thing. I keep them entertained with my antics until their sweet treat is finished and they’re both ready to swim, so I oblige. Once again coming over here for brotherly advice only to run interference with my brother and sister-in-law.
I’m still annoyedby the time I make it home to get Jolene settled for the night, get myself showered, hair washed, body exfoliated, legs shaved, face washed and moisturized to start my evening of relaxing on the couch. A new documentary I’ve somehow managed to miss about Woodstock is at the ready, and dinner is ordered. The Cali burger is right up my alley for dinner tonight— avocado, bacon, lettuce, roasted tomato, and so much more along with fried pickles. Yep, I deserve this, and so does Jolene, though hers is dog food and a frozen pup cup that is in the freezer.
I wish I could say Madden only infuriates, annoys me, pisses me off, all of the verbs that go with loathing. That’s him all wrapped up in one. The man can’t even apologize and then has the audacity to try to get me to stop after the second go-around. No thanks. The downside in all of this? He’s smoking hot with his piercing green eyes, dark hair that I could see beneath his baseball cap, shaved on the side, longer on top, and though he didn’t smile, I bet even his teeth are amazing. The same couldn’t be said for his mouth or mannerisms. He’s a nuisance. The perfect amount of muscles while not being overly done, at least what I could tell from his arms and chest. The white muscle shirt wasn’t leaving much to the imagination either. I could tell he’s got a toned chest, strong arms, and some of the sweat soaking through gave me a glimpse at a firm stomach, too. And don’t get me started on the athletic shorts. Jesus, the man must be a shower versus a grower. Clearly, Madden was packing in the manhood department. Sue me, I looked. It was literally right before my eyes when I bent down. A massive bulge, bigger than I’ve ever noticed or seen in real life before. Even porn has nothing on that man. I’m not going there, though. He’s not for me, and honestly, this single life I’ve been living for the past two years has been bliss. No man trying to make me feel inferior because of my job. My ex said my career was nothing but playing dress-up, and working behind the scenes at that. If only he knew the amount of money I made when we were together. What an idiot. He also belittled every single thing. I wanted a dog, and he’d tell me no, trying to tell me they’d just tie us down. We lived under one roof, so slowly, I gave up on anything that was a want in my life, changing into this quiet person I never was. It took me finding out that he was dipping his dick into another woman to finally get rid of the loser. It’s probably Josh, my ex-boyfriend’s, fault that I’m such a man-hater. That has nothing to do with the man I met a couple of times this week. He’s a whole other story.
I flop down on my couch, head tipping back, eyes closing, attempting to calm my inner bitch from the week. Usually, it’s work that has me strung this tight, and for the most part, it’s a brand that is dicking Journey and me around. Nope, that’s not the reason. A man by the name of Madden is currently pissing me off, and for no apparent reason. If this were any other person, I’d have already scraped them off, forgotten about the two unwelcome greetings, and moved on.
“I need a beer. What about you, Jolene? Are you ready for your dessert?” I look at my golden retriever. She’s got Grinch-like toes going on, needing a trim from the groomers. Only last time they worked on her, she came back looking more like a lab and a whole lot less fluffy. Jolene is beautiful regardless, a dog mom’s words, I know, but she is. I just like her with more hair, even if that means my motorized vacuum cleaner is constantly going.
Jolene barks in response. My rental is a duplex. Sharing a wall with neighbors isn’t ideal. In fact, this isn’t something permanent, but it’s home for now. The biggest deal breaker in renting this place is that I can’t paint the walls or even decorate how I would usually because of the stupid fucking clause prohibiting mounting of the television or placing anchors in the walls for heavy décor. How stupid. Here, let me give you a pile of money for living in your house, but I can’t make it my home.