Page 79 of God of Wrath (Legacy of Gods 3)
It’s past midnight in New York, but Dad doesn’t sleep much. A trait I inherited.
“You need anything?” he asks.
That’s what Dad’s always been. Efficient. Our relationship wasn’t built on affection or care like Mom and Annika’s.
We’re just two efficient beings who are interested in the bigger picture.
But he cares in his own way. My father’s love languages are protecting us, slaughtering our demons for us, and making sure no one bothers us.
But since I grew into my role as his heir, the slaughtering demons part is exclusive to Annika. In fact, I’ve joined him in that endeavor.
We’re Mom’s and Annika’s guardian angels.
Though, realistically, we’re fallen angels who are campaigning for Lucifer’s throne in Hell.
I let my gaze get lost in the horizon as I speak in a businesslike manner. “Nothing is amiss.”
“I heard you’re taking on a new guard who used to be with the Serpents, is that true?”
Byheard, he means his guards that he sent with me both to protect me and report back told him.
Asking me if it’s true is a mere courtesy.
“Yeah. His name is Ilya Levitsky. I’ve done my background check on him and he’s a good kid.”
“We don’t need good kids in our line of work, Jeremy. Besides, how do you know he’s not a spy?”
“I tested him. Gave conflicting information and waited for him to fall into the trap, but he didn’t. He’s a good kid, Dad. As in, a loyal one. He had the chance to betray the Serpents to join us, but he didn’t. He took the punishment, got flogged and left.”
“Which could all be a masquerade to fool you.”
“I’m considering that option, but it isn’t viable. He…wants to follow a leader he respects.”
One of the things that surprised me in the speech Ilya gave when he started working for me a couple of weeks ago. I knew people feared me, but it was the first time someone said they respected me.
“Or he plans to stab you in the back.”
Dad’s most authentic, but sometimes over-the-top trait, is being utterly distrustful.
It’s something I inherited, too, but not to the extent he exhibits. Instead of completely cutting out others from the start, I give them a chance. Once they betray it, they’re out.
Killian says that’s risky, but nothing good in life comes from hibernating and cutting off the outside world.
“Dad.” I speak firmly. “You had the chance to choose Kolya as your right-hand. I’m asking for the same.”
“Kolya was planted by your grandfather to spy on me when we were kids. I converted him.”
“I’ll convert Ilya, too. Aren’t you the one who told me loyal men are hard to find and if I stumble upon one, I should keep him?”
“That’s true. Well played, son.” A note of pride slips into his tone.
“All thanks to you.”
A small pause of silence hangs between us before he says, “Be careful.”
“I will.”
“Your mother is worried about you and is concerned you’re slipping away. Call her sometime.”