Page 191 of God of Wrath (Legacy of Gods 3)
“Eventually. I haven’t seen the ghost since she was pregnant with Annika. That was nineteen years ago. Isn’t it weird that I still have these vivid images of those times?”
“It’s not weird. In fact, it’s perfectly normal. You were what? Five? Six? You were a child, and any child exposed to that type of imagery would develop a strong reaction that would be reinforced the more they grow up. Our perception of the past depends greatly on our state of mind during that certain event. Any type of trauma can alter not only our memories but also our perspectives and personalities.”
“Are you psychoanalyzing me?” I smile down at her. “It’s a turn-on.”
She pushes at my chest playfully and shakes her head. “Everything is a turn-on according to your logic.”
“Only when it comes to you. Not my fault you’re the sexiest person alive.”
Red creeps up her face and she rubs the side of her nose before she clears her throat. “Point is, it’s not your fault you feel that way about what happened during your childhood. But it’s not your mother’s fault either.”
“How is it not her fault?” I slowly close my eyes and take a moment before I open them again. “She gave birth to a child she couldn’t care for.”
“That’s not true. You said she took care of you after learning how to cope with her mental health issues. Anni always said that your mum is the best and she sees her as a caring, affectionate figure, which means those episodes never happened with her. To say mental struggles are her fault is no different than victim blaming. I understand your issues, and the feelings of abandonment you must’ve had, but you also need to understand that she would’ve stopped it if she could. That, deep down, she was fighting her demons to be able to go back to you, and she eventually succeeded. That’s the part you should celebrate, because it takes a lot of willpower, energy, and strength to fight one’s demons.”
I stare at Cecily silently as if I’m looking at an extraterrestrial being.
I’ve always hidden that slight animosity for my mom from the whole world. Hell, I even hid it from myself sometimes because I was disgusted that I would be holding such emotions against her.
No matter what, I shouldn’t feel this conflicted about the woman who gave me life, but I do. I’ve sometimes thought of her as a ghost and had this idea that I wasn’t wanted.
Like Annika, I care for my mother, and I’ve never been able to imagine my life without her. However, I also haven’t been able erase that ghost version of her, no matter how much I’ve tried.
And yet, Cecily has managed to open my eyes to a different perspective. To the fact that maybe Mom wasn’t too far gone back then. That maybe she tried to fight for me, after all. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t want to speak about the first six years of my life and barely keeps any pictures from that time.
Now I feel like the worst asshole to ever exist.
This woman is shuffling my cards into a mess and I wouldn’t stop it even if I could.
I lift her chin and kiss her, softly this time, with enough passion that she melts against me. Kisses me back. Fuses her body with mine.
For a moment, I forget that I must ask her about my sister’s whereabouts. But I’ll get to that later.
Because right now, I want to thank her in the only way I know how.
Things are…confusing, to say the least.
When everything with Annika and Creighton went down, I hadn’t thought I would witness this side of Jeremy.
It’s even different from before we had that rift.
He doesn’t feel distant, like he’s putting a wall between us and refusing to divulge anything about himself. In fact, in the last five days we’ve spent together, I’ve learned so much more about him than I did during all the months before that.
One, he’s responsible to a fault about the people he considers to be under his wing. That includes his family, Nikolai, Killian, Gareth, Ilya, and even the guards.
Oh, and me. He definitely treats me like I belong on that list.
Two. He’s protective despite the cold aloofness and is ready to unleash the beast side of him whenever he senses a spark of danger.
Three, and most importantly, he’s an emotional vault. In the beginning, I thought he lacked feelings, and he does to an extent, but when I dug deeper and he allowed me to get closer, I found out that he just keeps them hidden well. He’s also highly selective about which emotions to let slip from his armor.
The fact remains, Jeremy does see the world in black and white, which is why he barely trusts anyone, but when he does, it’s for life.