Page 8 of Black Skulls
Katie and Travis were sitting next to him. Heather and Clayton were nowhere to be seen, which wasn’t unusual. My mom and dad had obviously gone home because I hadn’t even seen my dad’s bike in the lot when I pulled up.
I limped over to the bar, trying to keep my face neutral, but it was hard with the pain and burning sensation in my leg. Travis turned toward me, and his eyebrows shot up into his hair-line. "Shit, Amelia, what in the hell happened? First you run out of here like a bat out of hell and now you're returning hurt?" he asked, getting up from his seat.
"I need help," I spat out through gritted teeth, not in the mood to explain what the fuck happened to me.
Cole was already up and lifting me into his arms. He carried me over to the pool table and sat me on top of it. Pulling his knife out, he cut my pant leg so he could see the burn. "Fuck, Amelia, your pant leg melted into your skin. We've got to get you to the hospital."
I figured as much, even if I’d been hoping the opposite. He lifted me up and carried me out to his truck. He usually only used the truck for moments like these when someone had to get to the hospital or when he was doing surveillance on someone in town. Otherwise, he used his bike.
He set me in the passenger seat and got in on the driver's side. When we got to the hospital, they immediately set to work on my leg. Cole began demanding answers, aggravating me. I was in pain, and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with his shit nor his questions.
"How in the hell did this happen?” Cole demanded. “What in the fucking hell were you doing that resulted in you getting a burn like this?"
His jaw was clenched tightly, the muscle in his jaw ticking, showing just how angry he was. "I had shit to take care of," I muttered, the medicine beginning to make me drowsy. I was about to pass out.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, yanking on the ends. "When you wake up, I want answers," he demanded, his harsh blue eyes meeting mine.
I didn't reply. I passed out.
* * *
Amelia had beenout for about five hours now. The doctors said the medicine had worn off, and she was just continuing to sleep since her body needed rest. I hadn't left her side since we walked in here. I hated not knowing what happened to her or who did it.
I needed to know what happened for my fucking sanity. Whoever did this to her was going to fucking pay. No one messed with Amelia and got away with it. I would kill the son of a bitch with my goddamn bare hands.
The doctor had told me she had ruined nerves in her leg and that they had to ruin even more to get her pant leg material out of the burn. He also said she most likely would feel very little pain where she was burnt because of her ruined nerves.
Whoever did this to her was a sick fucking bastard.
My mom came into the room, heaving a sigh. "She's still sleeping?"
"Getting burnt will do that to you," I retorted. She’d been impatient while waiting on Amelia to come to. I looked up at her, desperate for someone to give me some kind of fucking insight as to who did this to Amelia. "Do you have any idea who the fuck would have done this to her?"
My mother laughed a little. "Amelia did this to herself, honey.” I clenched my jaw, my eyes flickering to the beautiful woman lying on the hospital bed next to me. “I sent her out to bomb the warehouse that you found yesterday. I don't have time to wait a few days. I need those guns. I've got a shipment going out tomorrow. I knew Amelia would have no problem going against the club to have a little fun. We both know how much she loves setting shit on fire."
I jumped up, sending the chair I had been sitting in flying to the floor. My own mother sent Amelia out into that kind of fucking danger? For fuck's sake, what if she had gotten killed?! My mom knew how much I cared about Amelia! It would rip me apart if I lost her!
"Are you insane?!" I roared, taking a threatening step in her direction. I wasn’t past punching my mom in the face right now. "She could have been killed!"
Dad came into the room. "Calm down, Cole. I've already laid in on her. The damage is already done to Amelia, and we can’t change that. How bad is her leg?"
I clenched my fists, ready to destroy this fucking room in my rage. I was seeing red. The girl I cared about was lying in a hospital bed because my mom sent her out to do the job of the goddamn clubs. To say I was fucking livid was a goddamn understatement.
"I've got to get the hell out of here before I strangle my own mother,” I spat, storming over to the door. “Fucking ask the doctor how she is. Just fucking call me when she wakes up."
I stormed out of the room, slamming Amelia’s hospital room door behind me. I couldn’t believe this shit. This was un-fucking-believable. My mother hadn't heard the last of this and neither had Amelia. I would be damned if I fucking let something like this happen again. Amelia was a danger to her own fucking self. I could barely stand to leave her alone in the damn garage. Everything bad happened when she was around. She could be in a padded room with nothing in it, and she wouldstillfind a way to injure herself.
Drew stepped into the waiting room. My temper flared even worse upon seeing his fucking face, and his next question didn’t fucking help my raging temper either. "How is she?" he asked.
I clenched my fist. I still hadn't forgot about him kissing Amelia. Now was not a good time for him to be speaking to me.
"Fucking ask a doctor," I snarled, moving to walk around him before I fucked his face up.
He scrunched his eyebrows together, confusion clouding his features. "Cole, man, what in the hell is wrong with you?"
I lost it. I didn’t have the patience for someone to be questioning me, especially this goddamn bastard. The only fucking woman I had ever cared about was lying in a hospital bed because of her own stupidity. My mother was to blame for it all for sending Amelia out there in the first place. My father had the audacity to tell me to calm down and to let this shit go. Now, this fucker was questioning what was wrong with me? How about he kissed the fucking woman that everyone knew I had a claim on? For fuck's sake, at least everyone else had the common sense to keep their affairs with her in the bedroom and out of my eyesight!