Page 62 of Black Skulls
“Tell him to fuck off,” she grumbled. “I’m tired.”
I sighed. “Babe, come on—seriously.”
She huffed, sitting up grumpily. She jumped in shock when she saw Drake standing in the doorway. She gave him a tired smile. “Cole, turn the lamp on,” she said, glancing over at me. She looked back at Drake. “Go get your VP, and we’ll discuss things in here. Cole can’t get out of the bed.”
Drake left the room, and I leaned over, sliding my fingers in her hair, pulling her face to mine. I kissed her deeply. “Calm down. We need to deal with this. If it’s dealt with tonight, then you can sleep in tomorrow with no interruptions.”
She nodded and rubbed her eyes tiredly. I smiled at the cute gesture. I swear, this woman was making me soft as fuck.
Drake and his VP, Carlos, came into the room and plopped themselves into chairs. Amelia got up and stretched. Drake’s eyes landed on her stomach as she walked over to the mini fridge. “You’ve got a bump going on there, girl,” he commented.
Amelia smiled a little. “Trust me. My tight ass clothes are making it very obvious to me.”
He chuckled, and Amelia sat back down on the bed with her bottle of apple juice. “Cole and I discussed this, and we think it’ll be a good idea to form an alliance with you guys, but you have to help us in turn,” she told Drake without hesitation.
“Of course,” Drake told her instantly.
“We have problems with the FBI. We need them off of our asses,” I informed him. The FBI was our biggest concern. They were sniffing around too much and fucking up our drug and gun sales.
“Of course. I’ll talk to Lisa and get her started on it ASAP,” he said.
My head snapped to Amelia. She gaped at Drake. “Lisa Grey?” Amelia asked incredulously.
Drake nodded. “You know her?”
“Holy shit. For once, I met an agent that was telling the truth,” Amelia muttered to herself.
“Lisa talked to Amelia one day when some agents came out to search the clubhouse,” I told him. “She said that she used to be involved with bikers. Amelia didn’t believe her; therefore, she never gave her a call.”
Drake chuckled. “She’s the mother of my oldest child.”
It made a lot more sense now. She had mentioned she had a kid. Of course, Lisa would do what she could to keep Drake out of prison; he was the father of her kid.
Amelia sighed. “Okay, back to the topic at hand. We’ll send you some our crew when you need them, but Cole and I can’t go up there until he gets better,” she said
“Darling,” Amelia flinched at the name, and I rubbed soothing circles on her lower back, “you’re not riding up there. You’re pregnant. You’re going to stay here and take care of that baby of yours.” He shot her a look when she opened her mouth to argue. “Don’t argue with me because you will lose,” he told her.
Amelia clenched her jaw. I shook my head at her. I agreed with Drake. She didn’t need to be riding anywhere. “I’m on his side with this,” I told her.
“Fuck you both,” she ground out through clenched teeth.
Carlos chuckled, and I looked over at him. “What are your thoughts on this alliance?” I asked him. He hadn’t said much, and I needed to know that he was cool with this, too.
“Honestly, I think it will do both clubs some good. We need your help, and you need ours. This is a beneficial alliance for both of the clubs. I’m in,” he agreed.
Amelia yawned, dropping her head into her hand, trying to stay awake. I chuckled at her and looked over at Drake. “As long as you hold up your end, we’ve got a deal.” I told him.
He nodded. “Good.” He stood, and Carlos followed suit. “I’m going to go drink and find this Tammi bitch I’ve heard so much about since I’ve gotten here.”
Amelia smirked at Drake. He shot her a smirk back as he walked out of our room, shutting the door behind him. I laid back down, pulling Amelia down with me. She curled up against my side and sighed, closing her eyes. “Don’t wake me up again,” she grumbled.
I chuckled and kissed her forehead as she fell back asleep. I continued to lay awake, playing on my phone since I wasn’t tired at that moment. I just enjoyed holding Amelia for a little bit.
A few hours later as I was actually about to fall asleep, someone knocked on the door. I told them to come in, and my dad stepped in. “Clay was just admitted into the hospital. He overdosed on pain pills, and he’s given himself alcohol poisoning. Your mom and I are about to head up there.”
I sighed.Fuck. I should have known he was back into some really bad shit again since he hadn’t really shown his face around the clubhouse much these past few months. I really needed to start keeping a closer eye on my little brother. “Keep me updated,” I muttered.
He nodded and walked back out of the room. I closed my eyes again, letting sleep take over my body.