Page 39 of Black Skulls
Monday,Travis and Cole paid the money for me to be bailed out. When I stepped out of the court doors, half of the club was waiting for me. I smirked. “Lovely to see you, boys!” I exclaimed with sarcasm.
Cole smirked back at me anyway. I never thought I would ever find myself saying it, but I actually missed Cole’s smirk. “We’re going to need that cut, babe. You’re the new VP of the Bloody Black Skulls.”
I gaped at him, stopping in my tracks. “I’m the VP of what?” I asked incredulously.
Travis chuckled at my expression. “Amelia, welcome to the Bloody Black Skulls. We’ll explain it to you once we get to the clubhouse. Just please, get on the back of Cole’s bike.”
I sighed. Shit was getting real. Like really fucking real.
I slid onto the back of Cole’s bike, wrapping my arms around him. I rubbed his abs and leaned up to purr in his ear, “Let’s go, Prez.”
He groaned in that sexy way that was purely Cole and turned around to give me a quick kiss. “Whisper that in my ear when we’re alone, babe.”
I smirked and leaned my head on the back of his cut. He pulled off at the head of the group.
Cole was currently sitting at the head of the table with the gavel on his right, and I was currently sitting on his left. Travis was at the other end of the table. Although Travis was no longer the president, Cole demanded his presence at every meeting. I guess I could understand why; Travis had made these clubs great during his reign.
I was still a little lost on all of the decisions that had been made while I was locked away. To say that I was a bit pissed off was kind of an understatement. When we had gotten to the clubhouse, Cole had demanded that every member be sitting at the table, and he hadn’t told me anything. I looked pretty fucking dumb at the moment; I was the VP, and I didn’t know shit.
“We need to settle some things,” Cole began. “The FBI are on our asses. Two of our people have been taken in by the FBI—Amelia and Lorenzo. Amelia, did they question you?” Cole asked, turning his head towards me.
I clenched my fists on top of the table. I had been asking questions since I got on the back of Cole’s bike, and I had yet to get answers. He wanted to ignore me and do as he pleased? Shit didn’t work like that, especially not with me as his fucking VP.
“If you don’t give me the fucking answers I want, I’m going to shove that fucking gavel and your new president cut so far up your ass—” I snapped, narrowing my eyes at him.
Cole cut me off, sighing in aggravation. “For fuck’s sake, Amelia, you have no patience at all.” He ran a hand down his face. “My mom and dad stepped down from their spots as president. I was given the president patch, effectively joining the two clubs together. You were automatically given your place as VP because Luke was the only VP that had a kid that could take that place. We all voted on the name Bloody Black Skulls. You couldn’t vote because you had gotten yourself locked up by the FBI.”
I smirked at him, feeling better now that I wasn’t so fucking lost on all of the decisions that had been made. “Thank you,” I retorted. “To answer your earlier question—yes, I was questioned.” Under my breath, I added, “pretty fucking ruthlessly, in fact.”
“What was that?” Cole asked. His eyes narrowed as they scanned my face. “What in the hell did they do to you?” he snapped, his tone dangerous.
“Amelia,we need your help. We’re willing to strike a deal with you if you decide to help us.”
I glared at the agent in front of me. He was tall and had a lanky build. His hair was almost jet black, and he had dark eyes to go along with it. I was pretty sure that his suit was Armani.
“Why would I need a deal? I don’t have anything to hide,” I told him, leaning back in my chair and clenching my fists in my lap.
“That’s what your mouth says, Amelia, but your body language says another. Would you like to visit some of your old friends from jail?” he asked, a nasty, sadistic smirk twisting his lips.
I spit in his face as he leaned across the table a little bit. He sat back, wiping his face with disgust taking over his features. “You can fucking burn in hell,” I snapped at him, anger roaring through my veins. Who the fuck did he think he was, using my fucking past against me?
He stood up and looked at the camera as he closed his briefcase. “Bring her in,” he ordered, walking towards the door.
He walked out, and a bitch I never wanted to fucking see again entered the room. I jumped out of my chair like lightning, putting the piece of furniture between us. “Come near me, and I swear, I’ll kill you,” I growled, my stomach twisting with an uncomfortable feeling.
This bitch was fucking ruthless. She had made my time in jail horrible, and she had ruined any alliances my dad had managed to get lined up for me. She had almost killed me numerous times.
She ignored me, a smirk twisting her features as she walked closer to me with her hands cuffed in front of her. “We have some unfinished business, don’t we, Amelia?” I knew it was a rhetorical question, so I didn’t answer her. I just watched her with wary eyes as she tried moving closer to me. “I want to see you and your clubs all fall, Amelia. You will give these agents something to use, or I will make your death so painful—” She cut herself off as she quickly jumped over the chair that I had put between us. We crashed to the floor, and she wrapped her arms around my throat. She pulled us up with the chain of her handcuffs pressing against my throat, cutting off my airflow. I clawed at the chain, desperate for air. “If you want your death to be quick and painless,” she murmured in my ear as I gasped for breath, my hands trying to clutch onto the chain of her cuffs, “you’ll do what needs to be done.”
I blacked out.
I resistedthe urge to rub my neck as Cole waited for an answer. “Nothing,” I muttered. I knew he had clearly heard me, but he chose to ignore it. He resumed getting the answers he needed.
“What did they question you about?” he asked me.
“The ATL shootings, the deals with the DM, my dad’s death.” I rolled my eyes as the last one came to mind. “And apparently, I’m mentally unstable.”