Page 31 of Black Skulls
She was pissing me off worse than I already was with her. I wanted to wring her fucking neck. I had so much anger flowing through me, it was almost uncontrollable.
My mother really was something fucking else.
“Alright, everyone chill out!” I heard a voice that I hadn’t heard in years bellow out in his old, raspy tone. “We need to be joining together to fight this shit, not fighting each other!”
I looked over at my grandfather. I hadn’t seen him since a couple of weeks before mom went to prison, and that had been almost ten years ago.
I shoved my mom away from me, not caring that she fell on her ass on the ground. Amelia had already walked over to her parents. I walked over to my grandpa and hugged him, clapping him on the back. “Been a few years,” I said, standing back to look him over. He hadn’t changed much. More wrinkles, but that was to be expected.
He nodded, looking me over as well. “And you’re just as ruthless as your father told me you would be,” he said, looking at my dad helping my mom off of the ground. “You’ve got both of their tempers running through your veins, kid. It’s amazing nobody has died because of that anger.”
“Oh, they have,” I laughed. “I plan on killing a lot more before all of this shit is over.”
He led me inside to the bar. I met Amelia’s eyes across the room. Fuck me, she was so goddamn gorgeous. Even with the slowly fading bruises on her face, she still managed to take my breath away and make my dick hard all at the same time.
She rolled her eyes at me and walked over. She stepped between my legs and smirked at me. “Yes, Cole?”
I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her lips to mine. She clutched my shirt in her hands, kissing me back without hesitation. I let her go and grabbed her chin in my hand, making her meet my eyes. “Don’t leave my sight, understand? I won’t allow anything to fucking happen to you, and my mother is on a fucking revenge spree.”
The corners of her lips tilted up just a little, and that familiar mischievous glint in her eyes sparkled. “Trust me, Cole, I can take care of your mother. She doesn’t scare me.”
I had no doubt about that one.
I kissed her again and let her go. She walked away and went to sit next to a couple of girls that I hadn’t met or seen before “Fond of her?” my grandpa asked me.
I looked at him and sighed. “I guess you could call it that,” I told him, gesturing for Peanut to get me a beer.
“She’s grown into a gorgeous woman.”
“Tell me about it,” I grumbled, taking a swig from the beer that Peanut had set in front of me. “Did you ever meet a woman that you just can’t walk away from?” I asked him. “You get all jealous and possessive of them?”
He gave me a knowing look. “Only your grandmother. I loved that woman with all my heart. Even though she died, I still love her. Travis and Katie have that kind of love, too. You may not see it, but it’s there. Trust me.”
I snorted. That was the biggest pile of bullshit I’d ever heard.
“I doubt that,” I retorted. “They have to be the two most loveless people on this Earth.”
He chuckled. “He kidnapped her, you know,” he told me.
I spit my beer out everywhere, coughing, my eyes wide as they focused on him. “What?!” I spluttered.
He chuckled. “Luke and Ryan were supposed to kidnap someone else and kidnapped her, thinking it was the girl they were supposed to be kidnapping. She made their lives absolute hell. The only time Travis and Katie could get along were when they were having sex. He was possessive and protective of her, though. You came along, and you brought them together.”
“Why are you telling me this?” I asked him. “I asked about you, not them.”
“You love that girl, Cole,” he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
I snorted. “There’s no such thing as love, grandpa.”
He clapped my back and stood up with his beer. “You’re more like your parents that you’d like to think, Cole.”
He walked away, and I heard Amelia laughing. I looked over to see her still sitting with the two girls from before. I walked over with my beer and a fresh one for Amelia. I handed it to her, and she smirked up at me. “Cole, this is Kayla,” she said, pointing to the girl to the left of her, “and this is Daisy,” she said, pointing to the brunette on the right of her.
I sat between Amelia and Daisy. I could use a good fuck, and I needed to get the thought of love and shit out of my head. What better way than with some random piece of ass?
I threw an arm around Daisy and leaned close to her ear. “You’re a gorgeous girl. I love this little outfit you’re wearing,” I whispered, letting my eyes trail down to her tits.
She blushed and giggled. I inwardly rolled my eyes at the cliché giggling. Before I could open my mouth, Amelia snapped her fingers in front of our faces, glaring daggers at both of us. “He’s taken, Daisy,” she spat.