Page 12 of Black Skulls
Amelia had been gonefor three fucking days. We were all beyond worried about her. She never disappeared for this long, and she’d gone radio silent. A day without any kind of word from her? Yeah. Three fucking days? Never.
I drove down the alley that I was supposed to be meeting with the DM. It was a motorcycle club that originally started with some teenage kids back in the eighties, but eventually their parents took over, and they quickly started running guns and drugs.
My eyes landed on a blanket that had a hump in the middle of it by a dumpster. I kicked my stand down after turning off my bike and walked over to the blanket. I didn’t know what was under that blanket, but I wasn’t prepared with what I saw when I lifted it.
I wanted to be sick. Amelia was lying under it, naked and bloody. I pulled her into a sitting position, checking her neck for a pulse, my own heart hammering in my chest. I felt a light one, but she was barely breathing.
Fuck, how long had she been lying here? What in the fucking hell happened to her?
Istretched, the muscles in my back and shoulder popping as I did so. I looked over at Amelia's bed, heaving a tired sigh. She had been in the hospital for three days now, and I hadn't left her side except to take a piss and get a shower in her hospital bathroom. The hospital staff brought me food to the room. Her parents had been by a few times, but everyone was busy trying to figure out what the fuck had happened to her. The hospital had run tests on Amelia, but we were still waiting on the results.
All I knew was that she didn't have any broken bones, and most likely, she wouldn't have any brain damage. She still had yet to wake up though. I was going nuts. Fuck, it was driving me insane not knowing what the fuck happened to her and who did it to her.
I ran my thumb over her bruised and scraped knuckles. She winced, and I jumped up from my chair, hovering over her, desperate for some kind of other movement. She groaned, and I pressed the button for the nurse. "Amelia, baby, squeeze my hand if you can hear me," I said softly.
She lightly squeezed my hand, and her eyes fluttered open. She looked around and groaned. "I'm so sick of being in the hospital," she muttered.
The nurse came into the room, a doctor following behind her. "Good. You're awake," the doctor said to her. "Is it okay if I talk to you with Colton in the room?” At her nod, he continued. “I need you to confirm what I'm about to say. I know that I'm not wrong, but if you can't confirm this, then you may have some brain trauma that we need to look into."
Amelia slowly nodded, looking a bit wary. And she wouldn’t meet my gaze. "We just got the results back from your other tests a couple of hours ago. Amelia, you were raped, am I correct?"
Tears filled her eyes. My heart rate sped up.No way. There was no fucking way my girl was raped. It felt like my heart was being squeezed tightly.Fuck.
Amelia nodded. An officer came into the room, and I was instantly pulled back from her. "What the fuck?!" I barked as they yanked my arms behind my back. "What in the hell is going on?!"
Amelia stared at me with her mouth hanging open in shock. "Cole, what did you do?" she whispered.
"You are under arrest for the rape of Amelia Johnson. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"
"Yes," I answered gruffly, royally fucking pissed off that I was being arrested for something I didn't even fucking do.
"With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?" the officer asked as he dragged me out of the room.
"I didn't fucking rape her," I spat. "It wasn’t fucking me."
"We will determine that at the station, Mr. Louis."
This was fucking bullshit.
* * *
I glared at the doctor."Cole wasn't the guy who raped me. Cole would never fucking hurt me."
"He has to be taken in. His semen was found in your body, Miss Johnson," he told me, almost sadly, considering he knew Cole well also.
I swung my legs over the side of the bed, ignoring the doctor's protests. There was no way in hell I was allowing Cole to be taken down for this. I'd never be able to tell the truth, but I couldn't let Cole take the fall. This shit wasn't his fault.
I called Katie as I signed my discharge papers despite the doctor’s protests. "Yes?" she asked.
"Cole is in jail. I need a ride to the station," I told her, cutting straight to the chase.