Page 76 of This Woman
My legs become heavy, and it isn’t because I’m carrying Ava. I make it to my semi-abandoned car and deposit her carefully in the front seat, pulling the seatbelt across and securing it, giving it a tug as I raise my brows at her, as if emphasizing the need to wear it. She doesn’t roll her eyes externally, but I can tell she’s exasperated on the inside. Tough. Like I said, she’d better get used to it.
When I hop in beside her, my hand goes straight to her knee and remains there the entire way to Kate’s place. She’s quiet, and my mind is racing with what she could be thinking. But regardless of her silence, she seems... settled. Happy I’m here.
I pull up to the curb by her friend’s house and look up at the window. How long does she plan on staying here? Because I have a huge place with just me rattling around in it. Wouldn’t it make sense?
I’m snapped out of my thoughts when I hear her open the door, so I get out and round the car, swooping her into my arms again. Her weight is perfect. Her head at the perfect level for me to smell her hair. Her arms go straight around my neck, and I walk up the path, damning everything to hell and back. We shouldn’t be here. We should be at Lusso. In my bed. Naked. High on each other.
“I can walk,” she says over a laugh, but I ignore her, negotiating her body to take the keys from her hand. She doesn’t need to walk with me around.Look after her. Keep her safe.I open the door, kick it shut, and succumb to the inevitable, placing her on her feet and pulling her into me. My mouth finds hers. It’s like everything that’s ever troubled me drifts away into a haze of nothingness, and there is only me. Me, her, and this incredible kiss. I exhale happily, my eyes closing, feeling her welcoming tongue circling with mine. The way she holds me. Her peaceful sigh. Don’t tell me this is a dream. Don’t tell me I might wake up.
“Thank you for the book,” she murmurs around my mouth, and I smile, breaking our kiss and looking into her eyes. Does she know she’s my peace? Her touch is magic, the effect she has on me so settling.
“You’re more than welcome.” I kiss her again, her mouth a magnet.
“Thank you for saving me.”
My smile is unstoppable. “Anytime, baby.” But there will be no need to save her again.But what about from you? Can you save her from you?
I wince back those thoughts as Kate bursts through the door. She eyes us. Mouths an apology. Then shoots up the stairs, leaving us alone. There was a happy twinkle in her eye. I laugh under my breath, my groin pushing forward against Ava, my forehead meeting hers. Her breathy pants warm my face, her eyes glistening. “If we were alone,” I whisper, feeling every part of her body responding. It’s incredible.One touch.“You would be against that wall, and I would be fucking you stupid.” My appetite for this woman is ferocious.
“I can be quiet,” she breathes, applying pressure where it counts, begging for me. “Gag me if you must,” she adds, and I inwardly balk. Gag her? No. Listening to her scream and moan is one of my new favorite things.
Her desperation for me is reassuring. I grin, thoroughly pleased with myself. “Trust me,” I murmur, “you’ll be screaming. No gag will stifle it.”
She inhales, her body beginning to vibrate. Jesus, tomorrow I’m going to eat her alive. No question. “Now, tomorrow.” Let’s make some arrangements to ensure my sanity. “I’d like to make an appointment.”
Her eyebrows raise. “An appointment to fuck me?”
I laugh loudly, the sound pure and rare. I like this Ava. Accepting Ava. Willing Ava. “I want you back at The Manor so you can take the details youreallyneed to start working on some designs.” And then I will fuck her. Make love to her. Kiss her. Cuddle her. Eat my fucking dinner off her.
My body responds to the very thought, and I’m taking her mouth again, getting everything I can before I have to leave and sort out Coral. My kiss hardens, frustration aiding it. I rip myself away and breathe down on her dazed form. “I don’t make appointments to fuck you, Ava,” I murmur, making sure I’m clear. “I’ll be doing that when I please.” Whenever, wherever. That’s something else she must accept.
I look toward the stairs, wishing Kate away. Luck isn’t on my side today. “The Manor at noon.” I have to touch her just one more time, stroking her flushed cheek as she nods her agreement. “Good girl.” I give her one last affectionate kiss on her forehead, marveling at the heat of her skin for a moment, then I have a brief argument with my legs before they relent and carry me away. I close the door behind me and drink in air, placing my hand on my chest to feel the consistent, steady beat.
I’m so alive. And despite having to leave her, I’m blissful.
How does Ava O’Shea do that to me?
Drew is comingdown the steps of The Manor when I arrive, and my pace falters slightly when I catch the expression on his face—a look of pure filth that could turn me to stone.
“I come here to relax,” he snaps as he passes, annoyed as he opens his car door with a vicious yank. “It’s like a fucking soap opera in there.”
I look to the doors of The Manor, just as a female member, Natasha, breezes out. Her smile is instant as she struts down the steps, stopping before me. “Oh,” she coos, resting the tip of her finger in the center of my chest and circling it slowly. “I’m just leaving, and you’ve just arrived. Shame.” She blinks slowly, running her tongue across her bottom lip. I move back, out of her reach, shying away from her touch. It feels all wrong.
“What’s going on?” I ask, looking away from her, finding my mate. His face is still screwed up in repulsion.
“I’m taking Natasha back to mine to relax.” His head cocks. “If you get my drift.”
Natasha brushes past me, pulling on her jacket. “Care to join us?”
I scoff. Never have I fucked with a close friend. And never will I. “Have fun,” I mutter, not needing to ask them why they’re taking their pleasure outside the walls of The Manor. “For fuck’s sake.” I gingerly take the steps and brace myself for what I’ll be faced with.
It’s quiet. I glance around, listening carefully, not hearing any commotion.
Sam appears at the top of the stairs, fastening his fly, a smile on his face. I cock him a questioning look and take the few steps needed to get me to the bar entrance. I look through the doorway, seeing someone slumped over the bar, a tumbler of amber liquid in their grasp.