Page 152 of This Woman
My rigid cock falls into my palm, and I look down, seeing it weeping. I grit my teeth and circle my palm, hissing as I start to thrust slowly, calmly, sharp tingles rolling across my skin. I look up through my lashes, my sight distorted, but I see her. I see her clearly. She’s plastered against the wall, her stare rooted to me working myself, her lips wet.
She glances up, and I’m taken aback by the look in her eyes. I’ve never seen so much longing. And it’s for me. “Come here,” I order, my voice thick, and she obeys, looking at me with doe eyes, waiting for her next instruction. Her disposition, while recognizable, still floors me. How quickly she can go from pure fight to pure submission. How she bows to me like this.Me. A dark, fuck-up of a man pushing forty who can’t get his head on straight. “On your knees.”
Her hands meet my thighs, and my cheeks expand. Fucking hell. Whose bright idea was this, because I’m about to break? She must see the desperation in my eyes as she stares up at me, lowering to her knees as I continue stroking myself. I reach for her flushed cheek, struggling to push out air. “Open.”
Her lips part. Her hands hold the backs of my thighs. Her eyes sparkle. This is, categorically, the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I demonstrate my approval, stroking her face as I rest the tip of my cock on her bottom lip. “You’ll take it all the way,” I whisper, leaving a shimmering trail of cum on her mouth. “And I’m going to come in your mouth.” Her tongue shoots out and licks, her eyes dancing. “You’ll swallow.” I push into her mouth on a suppressed growl, my stomach aching from tensing so much, my eyes closing as inch by inch she takes me. I fight to get hold of my control, my legs beginning to shake, my hand tightening around my shaft, restricting the pulsating veins. Fuck, I could come right now. I feel her hands tighten on my thighs, and then she pulls me onto her.
“Fuuuuuck,” I breathe, feeling for her head in my darkness, too afraid to look at her for fear of ending this sooner than I want. I need to let go of my dick. I start panting, clenching every muscle, preparing, and I loosen my hold on a strangled breath, moving my hand to join my other on her head. That’s it now. She has unlimited access.
She’s taken the power.
I’m not given any time to brace myself. Her hand drifts between my thighs and cups me, and my shakes take on a new level, my moans coming thick and fast as her delicate touch draws paths of fire across my balls, her hot mouth motionless around my dick. She circles my girth at the root. Licks around the head. Drops a tender kiss on the very tip. My heavy eyes peel open, my limp head falling. What I find when my vision clears is nearly my undoing.
She’s looking up at me like I’m a god as her tongue flattens and she drags it from tip to base. Jesus. Air hisses through my clenched teeth, my hips vibrating. Fucking hell, I’d endure her defiance every day if this is what I’ll get in return. What I’m seeing now, how I’m feeling, it’s biblical. Her mouth glides smoothly across my taut flesh, her eyes as starving as her mouth. She loves this. Loves rendering me this desperate. She pushes the tip of her tongue into the tip of my dick on a raised brow, like...this? Do you like this, Jesse?She’ll never know. I smile at her sass, but then very nearly crumble when she unexpectedly yanks me into her mouth, taking me all the way.
“Oh Jesus, Ava!”
She withdraws, and my hips buck, plunging me back inside deeply. I groan, seeing stars. She’s toyed with me for too long. It’s time to take back the power. “You have a fucking incredible mouth, Ava.” I hold her head firmly, driving in and out. “I’ve wanted to fuck it since I laid eyes on you.”
Her teeth graze my flesh, dragging slowly down the length.
I yell out, not prepared to surrender. “Take it deep.” I thrust forward wickedly, feeling her mouth fighting the invasion. “Relax your jaw,” I order, losing my ability to keep it controlled, thrusting repeatedly, moaning constantly, feeling the telltale tingles engulf my dick, my balls becoming heavy, my heart racing.
I’m past the point of return. I retreat from her mouth a fraction, giving myself room to hold myself, and start working myself fast. Her eyes close as she licks and laps, a buzz so intense charging up my cock. “In your mouth, Ava,” I bark, and she moves fast, encasing me.
I come hard, feeling her swallowing around me, and I look up at the ceiling on a gruff yell, my hips rolling, as I ride the waves of my orgasm, weak with pleasure. I feel crippled by the intensity, my legs numb. I drop my head and take her under her arms, lifting her to me, taking her mouth, tasting my salty essence. “You’re amazing,” I whisper. “I’m keeping you forever.”
“That’s nice to know.”
“Don’t try and pull a hurt with me, lady. You left me high and dry this morning.” I roll my forehead across hers as she strokes my bare chest.
“I apologize,” she murmurs, dotting kisses around my nipple. I sigh and let my heart return to a safe beat. Or as safe as it’ll ever be when I’m around this woman.
“You have lace on. I love you in lace.”I love you, period. So fucking much.
I pick her up and feel her legs circle my hips, her arms around my shoulders, and I collect our things and walk us out of the lift.
“Why lace?” she asks.
Because it’s clean. Pretty. Pure.“I don’t know, but always wear lace.” I stop at the door. “Keys, back pocket.”
She pulls them from my jeans and unlocks the door, and I drop everything to the floor and make my way up the stairs with her clinging to me like a baby chimp, snuggled in my neck. She’s tired. Me too. But never too tired for more. I pull my phone out and load the music app, hitting shuffle before tossing it on the cabinet. And like an omen, Massive Attack’sAngelplays.
Perfect. So fucking perfect.
I pry her from my body and set her on her feet. “I’m taking you to bed now.” I start unbuttoning her blouse, seeing her visibly tense. It’s not just me. It’s the music. So fucking sexy, and so fucking apt. I gaze at her, my eyes soft, hers full of wonder. Or love.
“Why do you try to control me?”
Her question throws me for a loop. Control her? The chance would be a fine thing. And I wouldn’t call it control, more assertion. Buttryis the operative word here. If she knew my story, she might understand.So tell her, Jake screams from the dead. “I don’t know,” I whisper, feeling my forehead go heavy. “It just feels like the right thing to do.” It’s all I’m capable of. Control has been non-existent in my life, and, clearly, I don’t know how to handle it. I drop her blouse to the floor as she studies me, quiet, not challenging me, which is good because what the fuck would I say?
The truth.
It is far from appropriate for my brother to be here right now, taunting me, nagging me.Fuck off.
Fine. I can’t watch this train crash anymore.