Page 64 of Falling for Autumn
“Oh honey,” Riley consoled him. “It’s okay. I’d chew you up and spit you out anyway.”
“For Hollow’s sake,” Lindsay said, throwing her hands up in the air. “Y’all can’t hold your liquor can you?”
“I’m holding it right here!” Claire said proudly, lifting her glass and giggling.
Lindsay led us back over to our table and I took another sip of my drink, loving the carefree feeling floating around my head. After so much the last few weeks, I was glad I could finally take her up on her offer.
I was a bit surprised to find out that she was best friends with Riley and had been since grade school, but as soon as I saw them together it totally made sense. They orbited each other seamlessly, passing things back and forth between each other without a word, during dinner, while we talked and chatted.
The food was delicious and the drinks were strong, making for one very happy me.
“I want to dance again,” I said, looking at them expectantly.
Riley grinned, downing a big gulp of his beer before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the floor where the live music was in full swing.
We danced and sang along to the songs, Claire and Lindsay joining us on the floor. I was having so much fun and I vowed I’d get the guys to go dancing with me soon. Construction was finally on track and I’d found a copy of my grandparents’ cider recipe hidden in the dust jacket of their cookbook, and everything was just soawesome.
But it would be more awesome if I got to see the boys in their tight jeans shaking it.
Maybe if I called them they’d shimmy into their jeans and come.
“Autumn!” A voice called over the music, a hand settling on my shoulder and turning me around.
Confusion filtered over me as I stared up at the blonde alpha boasting a wide smile, until I realized I knew exactly who it was.
“Peter? What are you doing in Holiday Hollow?” I asked, still trying to catch up.
“I know the festival isn’t for another week and a half, but I wanted to come see you. I’m so glad I found you here!” he shouted over the music before pulling me into his arms for a hug.
My nose crinkled at his scent, as I returned his hug. It’s not that he smelled bad, I mean he smelled okay, but he didn’t smell like my guys and my body twisted as I realized I didn’t want anyone else touching me.
“Peter…” I said, knowing that I had to shut him down again once and for all. Regardless if I went back, I knew him and the future he wanted together would never come to be.
“Oh,” he said, drawing in a long awkward sniff of me, before pulling away quickly. “I guess you have been doing all right down here.”
“I’m sorry, Peter. I know you were hoping—“
“Autumn,” he said, shaking his head. “Yes, I’d be crazy not to want an omega like you and damn do I wish I would have worked harder to snatch you up earlier, but we’re friends. If you’re happy then I’m happy for you.”
“That means a lot, Pete. Thanks,” I said. “You can still—”
“Everything okay here?” A gruff voice asked, the alpha waves rolling off of him more intense than I’d ever felt before.
I knew from the strong ocean and driftwood scent exactly who it was. Turning I saw Hunter, much closer than I expected, his whole body framing mine as his eyes narrowed on Peter.
“Everything is good, Hunt,” I assured him. “This is Peter, a friend of mine from the city. Peter, this is Hunter. He’s the sheriff of Holiday Hollow and I’ve been staying at his family farm.”
Hunter’s jaw clenched even further from that, but he took a deep breath before giving Peter a somewhat cordial nod. “What brings you to Holiday Hollow?”
“I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and if Autumn needed any help with her big plans for the Fall Festival,” Peter said, giving me a knowing look as he turned back to me. “It seems she has all the help she needs here already though.”
“She does,” Hunter confirmed, his arms crossed over his chest.
Peter laughed, taking a step back with his hands held in the air. “Message received. Autumn, call me if you need anything. We’ll catch up later.”
“She’s not going to need anything from you later,” Hunter grunted under his breath, almost too low for me to hear.
“What the hell was that?” I asked, turning back to the table and grabbing my drink that was suspiciously already half empty. “Why are you so growly?”