Page 54 of Falling for Autumn
“Jack,” I groaned, leaning back in my seat as I looked back at the plate I decimated. “I think you’re trying to keep me fat and happy so that I’m never able to move again.”
He laughed, his blue eyes lighting up. “That’s the goal, pumpkin. You’ve figured me out.”
The pot roast was way too delicious than it had any right to be and the bread that Hunter had made earlier that day—yes you heard that right, the sheriff could also cook—with the fresh butter we’d picked up at the farmers market the past weekend almost did me in.
“Hopefully you’ll be able to move by the time we’re supposed to carve pumpkins,” Hunter said with a wide smile. “Those junior deputies of mine will probably hunt you down if you don’t.”
“You’re so good with them,” I said, the smile on my face that almost hurt from how happy I was. “I liked seeing you like that.”
He grunted, before tipping his head to me. “You were great with them too, sweetheart. I’d be afraid they’d cast me aside and replace me with you if they could.”
“They wouldn’t dare,” I said with a laugh. “Even with our outings I’m not sure I’m anywhere near sufficient in fishing or half the activities you teach them.”
“All in due time, darling, all in due time. Between Jack, Boone and now you we’ve got about half their field trips and badges covered. But having a female presence they can look up to like yourself is something we've admittedly been lacking and is great for them.”
“Surely your mom has gotten her hands on them a time or two,” I said.
“Oh for sure, but she’sheryou know, running the town and taking care of everyone. You’ve lived outside Holiday Hollow and are a big time with your city experience and degree, not that one is better than the other by any means, but it's good for them to see both.”
The warmth in Hunter’s eyes made me melt, but it was the little victorious grin of glee on Jack’s face that had me shaking my head. I loved that my beta didn’t hold back with his affections.
Hell, when had I started referring to him asmybeta?
Probably around the time he became your best friend and a daily facet in your life that you looked forward to each day, Autumn.
I couldn’t deny my inner voice, even if I wasn’t ready to think about all the future complications that might bring. As much stress and work as the orchard was turning out to be with this initial rehaul, there was still something for me to smile about every single day here. The majority of that involved the pack, and that was something I couldn’t and didn’t want to deny.
Each of them was worming their way deeper and deeper into my life.
“Alright, not to eat and run but I have to be up early in the morning to see the crew off. We’re starting on another crop haul and getting ready for more influx at the patch,” Jack said, rising and taking his plate with him.
“Leave it,” I said, mustering the strength to take my own plate and meet him, taking his and giving him a kiss. “Thanks for dinner.”
He hummed happily, his hands around my waist.
“Take care of her for me tonight boys,” Jack said, the intent clear in his face before he walked out of the kitchen, leaving me at the counter with a wide look after him.
Hunter chuckled, joining me in the kitchen and nudging my shoulder as he took both dishes from me.
“I think my brother is trying to set us up,” Hunter said in mock-exasperation.
“He should have stayed for the group orgy,” I deadpanned.
A choke sounded behind me and I turned to see Boone with his water glass, coughing into his fist.
“You’re asking for trouble aren’t you?” he questioned once he could breathe again.
“Always,” I grinned, turning back to Hunter.
His sleeves were rolled up, his yummy forearms on display as he took care of the dishes, and I tried not to linger too hard on the suds that trailed up them.
Maybe part of me wasn’t joking about that group action.
Unable to resist I took a handful of suds and blew them in the good sheriff’s face.