Page 26 of Falling for Autumn
“I guess, I’m just special,” he said, sounding the slightest bit smug as he ran his hands up and down my arms. I was getting warmer but I was still so freaking tired and cold. All I really wanted to do was sleep.
“I called Boone,” Jack's voice sounded from behind me. “He’s on his way.”
“He shouldn’t drive in the storm,” I said, briefly wondering why Jack had called him. “Not safe.”
As if my words had manifested it, thunder rolled in through the window. Not as loud as it had been in my place, but loud enough that it had me flashing back to those nights alone in my room after my mom was gone and I was all alone.
The bed dipped behind me and suddenly Jack was there, putting a towel near my head, and pressing up against my back tentatively as he wrapped his arms around me.
“There’s no one who takes safety more seriously than Boone,” Jack promised. “Are-Is this okay? I brought the electric blanket, that might be enough.”
“S’Okay,” I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him closer to me.
I didn’t care that I was naked in the middle of a brother sandwich. All I cared about was that I could finally start feeling my toes again, although the pinprick feeling wasn’t very comfortable. At least the bed was.
Although, if the erection pressing against my stomach was any indication, Hunter didn’t have the same feelings as I was right now.
“Fuck,” he cursed. “Sorry, sweetheart. Please ignore him. Why don’t you face Jack and curl up with him so I can finish drying your hair.”
Not wanting to argue, I turned over in Jack’s arms as Hunter pulled away, the feeling of loss slightly hitting me by surprise. From the slight shift of my legs, I realized that the residual wetness I felt hadn’t exactly been from the storm and the alpha hadn’t been alone in his attraction.
Knowing that the moment had passed, I opened my eyes to see a pair of blue ones staring down at me concerned, the pupils in them slightly blown.
“Hi,” I whispered, taking in the beta before me as Hunter began squeezing the excess water from my hair.
“Hi, pumpkin,” he replied, pressing his body against mine. “I’m glad to see those green eyes of yours, you had me worried.”
“I’m not a pumpkin,” I said with a frown.
A naked omega in someone else’s sheets? Yes. A huge, round vegetable? Not so much.
“No, but you're gourdous,” he said, with a twitch of his lips. A small giggle escaped me but it sounded off, even to my ears.
Hunter groaned from behind me. “Have you learned absolutely nothing from me?”
Jack stiffened slightly in my arms for a moment before he rolled his eyes and gave Hunter a pointed look.
They were brothers, yes, but they were definitely night and day.
“None of that today,” I said, burrowing deeper into the pillows and the bed. “Time for sleep.”
“One more quick check, before you drift off,” Hunter said. “I know you’re still probably fighting off some of the medicine and the cold but we want to make sure we still have our favorite new girl around in the morning, okay?”
I hummed in agreement as they sat me up slightly, checking my fingers and toes and taking what I assumed was my pulse. Either that or they were just scent marking me and I’d have to kick their ass after I showered tomorrow, but I figured I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.
In my head and heart I knew that I was safe with them, and while that was a slightly terrifying thought, it was also comforting and had me drifting off before I could think more on it.
Opening my eyes the next morning was probably the hardest thing I’d ever done. The bed was like a cloud and everything smelled like the brothers who’d already burrowed their way into my life quicker than I could imagine.
Disappointment filled me as I opened my eyes and realized that I was alone again. But I couldn’t complain because I was warm. Last night was a bit of a blur in my mind but I remembered Jack rescuing me and them warming me up. If they hadn't come… I hated to think what could have happened.
As I sat up I nearly knocked over a stack of clothes that were sitting next to me. They weren’t mine, but I was a bit glad honestly. Wrapping their scent around me while I dealt with the crazy my day was about to be would be nice. I knew it was a little bit much, but I decided not to look into it too much and just do what felt right.
The scent of bacon and something sweet had me finally throwing off the covers and pulling on the clothes. The shirt was too big and smelled like Hunter. The sweatpants were Jack’s and still big, but fit far better than if they were Hunter or Boone’s.