Page 19 of Daddy's Little Fighter (Daddy 27)
“I’ll set these on the table and come back for juice.”
He didn’t like her doing all the work, and it was hard for him because the apartment wasn’t handicap accessible. So many things would improve in his life if he learned to wear the prosthetic leg they had for him. He knew what was holding him back. He just didn’t want to admit it.
At the table, he looked at his plate and smiled. She’d scrambled some eggs and added cheese, chives, and cut-up steak from the night before.
She set glasses in front of them and sat with a smug look on her face, making him laugh.
He held up his hands. “You win. Thank you for saving the steak.”
“You haven’t even tried it yet.”
Cole scooped up some food and slid it into his mouth. His eyes closed, and he hummed in appreciation. “Damn, this is good.”
She giggled and took a bite.
“How did you make it taste so good?”
“It’s the spices I used and how I prepare the eggs before I cook them.”
“What does that mean? Prepare the eggs?”
“I used a bit of milk, whip them until they become frothy, and then cook them.”
“Baby, I’m going to ask for you to make this often. It’s delicious.”
They ate in silence for several minutes before she set down her fork and took a drink of juice. “What are we doing today?” she asked. “I have to go to work in another hour.”
“I have to talk to your landlord and your managers,” he said.
“I don’t want to put them into a bind or have them mad at me.”
He reached for her hand. “I’ll make sure of it. We’ll work it out if they need you for another few days.”
“Okay, good.”
“Finish your eggs, baby. I’ll get you to the center.”
Chapter Eight
They finished eating, and she took care of the clean-up before she went to get dressed.
He was waiting by the elevator. “Ready?”
She nodded and took his hand.
They were both silent on the ride down. He pulled her to the side when they reached the lobby. Then he pointed to a man in a suit waiting by the door.
“Baby, that’s Hammond. He’s another driver for the company. He will take you to and from the center to the bar and then home when you finish. He’ll watch to ensure you get in and then you’ll wait for him to get you when you’re done. That means you stay in the lobby or bar. You don’t step out of either place. Do you understand?”
“Will he take me to the bar from the center?”
“Yes. Do you have any questions, baby?”
“No, sir.” She didn’t understand why he was being so serious. She’d been doing fine on her own for the last four years.
“Good. Now, give me a quick kiss.”
She bent and kissed him. He didn’t let her linger.