Page 12 of Daddy's Little Fighter (Daddy 27)
He chuckled. “Yes, in real life.”
“So, we’d, like, have you know…”
“Sex.” He grinned at the blush that covered her face. “Yes, I very much want to have sex with you when you’re ready.”
“How will I know I’m ready?”
“I’ll know.” He pulled her head toward him and pressed his lips to hers. Her eyes instantly closed, she leaned into him and hummed.
He twisted his head and took the kiss deeper by opening her mouth and stroking her tongue with his. While he was careful not to go too far, he could see this getting out of control very quickly.
“Baby.” He raised his head and tried to pull away, but she dropped into his lap, facing him with her legs on either side of his hips, so her cunt pressed against his erection.
Her arms circled his neck, and she wiggled, trying to get closer to him, but they were already smashed together. His mouth took hers again, and he ran his hands up and down her back, cupping her ass and then moving up again.
Cole had no idea how much time had passed, and he was too damn close to unzipping his jeans and pulling her bathing suit to the side so he could get in her. They heard children scream with laughter, and that finally got through to them.
He pulled her back. God, she was so fucking beautiful. Her lips were puffy and red, her skin flushed with desire, and her eyes were dazed when she looked at him in confusion.
“Baby. We can’t have sex here in this room. One, because someone could come in, and two, I want our first time to be in my bed.”
She took a few breaths and nodded.
When he thought she was ready, he lifted her off his lap to her feet and kept his hands on her until he knew she was steady.
“How are you doing?” he asked.
She nodded. “I think I’m okay.”
“What’s wrong?”
“My body aches,” she said.
He saw her confusion. Didn’t she know about desire? “Baby, are you a virgin?”
A red tide covered her face, and she looked away.
He grabbed her hands. “That’s nothing to be ashamed of. It only means that I’ll be the only man you have sex with for therest of your life. Men dream about that.”
“Yes. I’m a virgin.”
“Everything will be okay. Right now, you need to get back to work. I’ll come for you at a little after five, and I’ll be out in front. If you get there early, stay inside the doors until I arrive. By then, I’ll have a plan for our next step, and we can talk about it over dinner.”
She smiled. “Like a date?”
“Yes. Our first date.”
“What should I wear? All I have are my jeans and t-shirts.”
“I’ll find something.”
“Okay. I better go. I’ll see you later.”
He watched her leave and was shocked that it felt like she had taken a part of him with her.
Chapter Six
Jade waited inside the doors. It was a little before five, so she didn’t worry about Cole not coming. Then he came around the corner, and her heart filled with so much happiness she thought she would burst. She opened the door. “Hi.”