Page 45 of Wrap with Love
“Sheila might be around,” I remind him. He stiffens for a moment but quickly hides it. I know he doesn’t care for my mom at all, but he plays nice. Same as I do.
“Why don’t you kids get out of here? We're slow. No use on both of us sticking around,” Tammy says, coming in from the back.
“We could go Christmas shopping for the boys. Get some gifts to put under the tree,” Tyson suggests. “Got your orders covered for tonight too,” he adds.
I do have some extra money. “Okay,” I agree. A few stolen hours with Tyson for the afternoon is a Christmas gift to myself. Maybe I can give him a little gift of my own if he’ll let me.
Walkingaround town holding Rory’s hand feels good. Snow’s not falling, but it’s Texas, and that’s probably a good thing. The hint of a flake and the entire state shuts down. A year ago, we didn’t have heat. That was bad. We make do without the fluffy white stuff the Northerners get. There are wreaths on the telephone poles and light-up candy canes hanging off the streetlamps. My uncle even bought a giant blow-up Santa that sits on the front lawn of City Hall. When you kick or punch the stomach, Santa laughs.
Rory’s cheeks are rosy with happiness. She’s bought all kinds of stuff for the boys. Dean is getting new sneakers and a Switch. Logan’s getting sneakers, too, along with a powered train set and Pokémon cards. I convinced Rory to let me gift a new TV for the entire family. It’ll be delivered by Santa—aka me—on Christmas Eve.
“Home?” I suggest as we load the presents into the back of the truck. I’m not thrilled about seeing Sheila, but I’d endure the devil if it meant spending time with Rory.
She arches a brow. “What about your place?”
“What about it?”
“How come you’ve never invited me over?”
“I have a lot of times. You’ve always said no.” I open the passenger door and boost her inside. “But, yeah, we can go to my place. My mom’s probably home.”
That’s an unenthusiastic, almost disappointed, sound. Frowning, I make my way to the driver’s side.
She waits until I’m buckled in to ask, “What about Sterling’s place? Doesn’t he have a house in the back sixty?”
“That’s his cousin Tucker’s hideaway. Why do you want to see that?” I start the engine.
“I don’t,” she groans. “Tyson Carter, can’t you tell what I’m hinting at?”
“No.” I really don’t.
“I want to give you a present.” She waves her hand at her lap.
My eyes pop wide. “Why didn’t you say so?” I grin and step on the gas.
“I was trying to be discreet.“
“Just come out and say you want to fondle the family jewels. We’ll go to my place.”
“No. Your mom is there.”
“She won’t care, besides she’ll be in the greenhouse, which is a mile from my bedroom.” It’s not, but the little lie is bound to make Rory feel better.
Rory slumps into the corner between the seat and the door. “I can’t do it. Just take me home.”
“No way.”
“I can’t meet your mother like this. Look at me.” She pulls her T-shirt away from her chest.
“I can’t. I mean, I want to, but I’m driving. You looked fine while we were shopping.”
“Fine? A girl can’t look fine meeting her—" She trails off.