Page 18 of Wrap with Love
I feel Nathan move. My eyes open to see him over me now. I’m in the center of the bed. The head of his cock is pressed up against me. He teases me with a few short thrusts until finally he sinks deep inside of me. The pleasure on his face is indescribable. It only spurs me on.
“Yes.” I lift my hips, inviting him to begin to move inside of me.
“You’re so damn beautiful. I don’t think there is a more perfect creature on this earth.” My mouth parts, but only a moan comes from me as his thrusts become quicker and harder. I lift my legs, wrapping them around him.
I feel another orgasm already building inside of me. This one is bone deep. “Nathan.” I whisper his name. My voice is unsure if I can handle the pleasure I know he’s about to give me.
“Give it to me, love. I need you. I need you to come for me.” I do. Between him calling me his love and saying he needs me, I’m done for. I cling to him as my whole body clenches. He groans out my name as his warm release spills deep inside of me.
I stay wrapped around him, not wanting to move. His heavy breathing tickles the hair on my neck.
“That was…”
“Incredible?” I suggest.
“Not a good enough word for what this is.”
“Nathan Amherst is at a loss for words, and I put him there.” I giggle, a little proud of myself. He lifts his head. He’s got a smile on his face. It makes him look younger. It makes me happy to know that I put that smile there too.
“You do many things to me that no one ever has before.” He kisses me. I sigh into his mouth. “Wait here.” He pulls out of me. I watch as he walks to the bathroom. I sit up on my elbows when I hear the water turn on. A moment later, Nathan is coming out with a towel in his hand. He pulls my thighs apart before pressing the warm towel to my sex and cleaning between my thighs. My heart flutters at the gentle care he’s giving me.
He tosses the towel to the floor before grabbing me. I let out a small scream of surprise as he carries me into the bathroom. He slowly lowers me into a giant tub.
“Relax. I’ll be right back. I’m going to get you a drink.” He gives me a kiss and begins to walk away. Then he stops and gives me another. When it starts to deepen, I can’t help the giggle that comes from me. He can’t stop kissing me for two seconds. Yeah, I think sweet is the word that best describes Nathan when it concerns me. It might not be the way other people see him, though.
“Fuck it,” he says, slipping into the water with me.
“I’m not thirsty. I just want you,” I say between kisses as he sits, and I straddle him.
“You have me,” he says as he pushes inside of me. I do have him, but for how long? The plan was to have this weekend. To not fall in love. The plan was stupid. I was in love with Nathan before we even got here. The only problem is that I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep him when we return to the real world.
“I didn’t knowyou could cook,” Kayla observes from her perch on the counter, tucked in the corner against the fridge.
“It’s a science,” I tell her, plopping the last of the cookie dough on the sheet and sliding it into the oven. I check the stew and add a little salt. “For cooking it’s the acid to salt ratio, sweetness tempered by the source. For baking it’s starch and fat.”
“I suppose it is.” She gnaws lightly on her lower lip. “I don’t know how to cook. Only Bake.” It’s said quietly, as if she’s confessing to some great sin.
I shrug. “I don’t usually either. It’s too time consuming for one person. Better to order out.”
“But this smells so good. What if you ruin me for takeout food?”
The snow is falling fast and hard, we just rolled out of bed after fucking each other’s brains out, and she’s talking about even her taste buds being ruined by me? I keep my smile to myself, but internally, I can’t help but cheer. Everything is working out great. I swat her ass with the side of my spoon. “Go sit down so I can test out that theory.”
“Only because you ask so nicely.” She rolls her eyes. I like that she’s sassy with me. She doesn’t feel my position over her as threatening. It shouldn’t be since hiring and firing her isn’t my responsibility. The conversation I overhead about Kayla getting the boot if she’s found to be in a relationship with me tickles the back of my brain, but I shove that thought aside. Everything is going to be fine.
Kayla carries bowls and silverware to the table. “Milk, coffee, water?” she asks.
I heft the stew pot up and set it onto the counter, ladling out portions into the dishes she’s provided. As the steam rises, filling the air with the redolent smell of cooked onion, garlic, and carmelized meat, Kayla inhales. “Ugh, this smells delicious. It’s truly unfair that you’re brilliant, look like a god, and can cook.” She frowns at me. “How is it that you’re still single?”
“How are you still single?” I parry. “You’re brilliant, look like a goddess, and know how to order out.”
“I don’t feel like that last one is a great asset.”