Page 58 of Cody's Girl
That’s where I’d gotten her phone number to send the photo with the hope that she’d show it to her friend, which should’ve put an end to her involvement with Cody, but the little idiot either didn’t receive my little gift, or if she had, she hadn’t shared it with her friend, which put me back at square one, and is the reason for this next move.
I’m hoping that she encourages her friend Lisa to show an interest. Who wouldn’t be interested in joining the most prestigious sorority in the country after all? And then I would show her who’s boss. I might even allow the friend in and keep that Lisa person out, out of spite. I’m pretty sure she couldn’t afford the fees; none of them could, for that matter.
Maybe once Cody realizes how unsuitable she is and recognizes the glaring differences between us, he’d wake up and realize that I’m good for him. There’s no good reason for him to deny me all these years after all, and if he’s decided to loosen his stance on dating, which was the excuse he’d given me in the beginning before he started outright ignoring me, then I should be the one on his arm.
No doubt he will be her plus-one for the social, and there I would be able to shine while showing him and everyone else just how lacking she is. I felt better as the day wore on, and my excitement grew. Maybe her being here was a good thing after all. I’d never had any competition for Cody’s attention before since everyone else seemed to readily accept his refusal and move on to greener pastures.
Not that I see her as competition, but when held up next to me, there’s no way anyone would miss the differences between us, with me coming out on top in every way, of course. I come from a better family and could afford Cody more opportunities in life. I’m blonde, svelte, and a perfect match to stand beside him, like that famous supermodel and the star quarterback for one of the nation’s leading teams.
Didn’t she also snag him from some dumb brunette who wasn’t up to snuff? I don’t see why my situation should be any different.
In my case, Lisa isn’t even pregnant or of much importance to Cody anyway, so there should be no reason for me to lose. Add the fact that I refuse to lose, especially to some teenage bimbo who has nothing going for her. I’ve never not gotten what I wanted, and mom assured me that she’d help if it came to that, so I have no worries there.
But the way he’d looked at her, that kiss that still makes me furious with rage. I’ll be sure to make him pay for that, and her too as well. I’ll show her what it means to get in my way. I can’t wait for the weekend to get here.
“Why do you want to go to that social? I thought you weren’t interested in joining a sorority.” Jess gave me a hard side-eye.
“I’m not, but why do you think she invited us out of the blue?” I hadn’t told Jess and Alexis about seeing the girl who’d invited us with one of Susie’s friends. There could be a million reasons for that, I realized after the fact, though I’m still pretty certain that she was one of the enemy’s moles.
She may not have been sitting at the table with Susie, but a general never puts all his troops on the frontline. She’s probably nothing more than a foot soldier, and who knows how many of those Susie has in her arsenal. On the other hand, and this is the reason I haven’t mentioned it, she could be an innocent who was being confronted for inviting us, it’s hard to tell, and I won’t know for sure until things play out.
I’ve no doubt the invitation and what follows is meant to embarrass us in some way, though, or it could be that Susie has decided to attack my support system. Either way, I’m about to answer her first volley with one of my own. “You think Susie’s behind it?” Jess looked pissed, which the three of us have been since this whole thing started. It seems not a day goes by that there isn’t something to be upset about, even though I can’t put my finger on any one thing Susie’s done lately. I guess it’s her very existence that rubs us the wrong way.
“I’d be surprised if she wasn’t. I have to call mom. She’ll be so excited.”
“I don’t know why you accepted for us; we can’t afford that nonsense; believe me, I’ve already looked into it, and that is the most prestigious, read, expensive sorority in the country. There’s no way my dad is going to fork out six grand just for me to party while here.” Alexis gave me the stink eye.