Page 54 of Cody's Girl
It soon became a madhouse, with everyone asking to test drive it as soon as it arrived. “Sorry guys, you’d have to ask Cody; it’s only insured for the two of us to drive.” That started a whole new round of moans and groans, and I was accused of playing favorites. “Well yeah, he’s my guy; who else is supposed to be my favorite?” I got booed good-naturedly until Cody threatened them with bodily harm if they didn’t leave me alone.
The conversation was loud enough that I was sure my nemesis had heard, and if she hadn’t, I’m sure it won’t be long before word got back to her. As obsessed as she is with him, I’m sure she has her little spies running news back to her. That’s why I’ve been spending every evening with him, either at practice or in his dorm.
I haven’t spent the night yet; of course, I won’t go that far to get back at her. When that happens, it will be because we’re both ready for it and not to prove a point to that clown. Speaking of which, Cody has been very patient with me, maybe too patient.
We have yet to share a real kiss, and I can’t help but think that he’s giving me time, that he, too, sees me as a sheltered rube who needs to be handled with kid gloves. I don’t want to make the first move since I don’t want to botch it, but it’s getting harder to spend time with him and not take things a bit further. Our little pecks give me heart palpitations, and I leave him feeling needy and unfulfilled most nights.
But how do I tell him, how do I let him know that I’m ready for more? “What’s the matter?” I blinked at his question, only now realizing that I’d been staring at him like a starving wolf.
“No…nothing.” I cleared my throat and looked down at my salad to hide my blushing cheeks.
One thing I hadn’t taken into consideration when I started my campaign was the amount of time I was going to have to spend with Cody, even more than before. Though I did consider that since his friends hate Susie, it would stick in her craw that they’d accepted me, and when he wasn’t around, one or more of them were.
She hadn’t made any moves yet, and I haven’t really pushed, other than the clothes thing… “So, you guys are going to come, right?” There was a whole conversation going on that I’d missed.
“Come where?”
“Chi Omega’s having a social this weekend before orientation.” I didn’t recognize the girl who’d come to the table to ask, but I did notice she kept looking at Chad and blushing.
I have no interest in joining a sorority, though mom was hell-bent on getting me into one. It sounded like more of her pompous accolades, and I’d had enough of tea socials and formal events where everyone seemed more interested in everyone else’s bank account and their latest find than actual humanitarian deeds. Not to say that they’re all like that, but mom’s friends, other pledges she’d met and still communicates with from her university days have all come across that way to me.
I know there’s probably no getting around it, but maybe I can use it to my advantage, a little tit for tat. I’ll have to think of what I want to get from her in exchange. I think I’m enjoying this new side of myself way too much because my mind was already trying to come up with what I could barter. It didn’t take long for me to figure that one out when both Jess and Alexis griped about the fees and lack of a sponsor.
“We’ll be there.” Both Jess and Alexis looked at me like I had two heads, but I just winked at them.
“I’m surprised it took you this long to show an interest in one of those,” Cody whispered in my ear as the new girl, Sophie, walked back to her table.
“Are you calling me prissy?” I showed him my fist, which made him laugh.
“No, baby, it just seems like something you would be into; then again, you are a bit prissy.” I pretended to hit him, and he leaned in and bit my lip, making my breath catch in my lungs. “Breathe baby.” How can I with you looking at me like that?
I’d forgotten about Susie until I heard a chair slam into the floor across the room and looked over to see her glaring at us. I don’t think Cody noticed since he was too busy looking at me, and I took that moment to surprise both of us. I only meant to nip his lip the way he did mine, but he was the one who turned the tables on me.