Page 47 of Cody's Girl
“And then what?” Now it was Jess’ turn to ask.
“And then I’ll deal with her.”
“Ooh, what’s this I’m hearing? You know, you’ve been acting kinda froggy ever since that night.”
“Froggy, what’s that mean?”
“It means you’re acting like you wanna jump somebody.” Jess grinned with a disbelieving look in her eye.
“I’m peed off.”
“Nope-nope-nope, if you’re going to be a badass, the word is pissed.” Well, now, I couldn’t even bring myself to say the word out loud as my cheeks reddened. So much for my newfound confidence. Still, I don’t think I need to be crass to get my point across.
“You know what I mean.”
“Softie!” She teased and went back to her homework, leaving me to go get washed up before settling down to some homework of my own. I could hardly concentrate because of that question, what do I plan to do next. Well, first, I need to figure out what her game is, exactly what she’s after, and how to assure her she won’t be getting it.
My old self tried to rear her head, but I pushed her back this time. I made myself remember all the things I felt that night. How strongly I felt about the wrong that had been done. It was enough to keep me on track to keep my mind steady and on the big picture.
Somewhere between our first date and me calling my dad for help with his, I’d claimed Cody Baxter as mine. No way am I letting anyone take him away from me.
Things got a little crazy after that day. For one, I kept seeing Cody’s friends in odd places around campus. I couldn’t turn around without one of them there, and when they weren’t, he was. It didn’t take long to figure out that I was being protected.
I hadn’t seen Susie since that day in the dining hall and hadn’t heard anything from her either, but there was no shortage of information to be had whenever her name was mentioned with Cody’s.
I didn’t ask, of course; I left that to Alexis and Jess; I can’t be too obvious now, can I? The stories all seemed to take the same vein until I realized what it was, obsession. She was obsessed with him. I’m not sure if it’s because she’s not accustomed to rejection or something else, and I won’t until I learn more, but the only one who could answer that question is Cody, and I’m not about to ask him.
It was Steve who came through for me again. I guess it was his turn to watch over me that day, and lucky for me, he’s the easiest one to break down, as I’d noticed. The others kept their conversations with me short and to the point; Steve rambles.
I knew if I got him on the right track, he’d give it all up, and he did. And all it took was a mention of her name and a little white lie. “What’s with that Susie girl? Why does she hate me that much?”
“Why, what happened? Did she do something to you?” His reaction was way over the top.
“Well, after she sent the picture to my friend’s phone, I kinda get the feeling she’s not too happy about Cody and me dating.”
“Who cares what she thinks. You’d better let Cody know if she comes after you; that picture isn’t the worst that idiot can think of. I’m surprised she stopped there. We’ve all been waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
So it was her. Poor Steve, I feel almost guilty for deceiving him, but since we were already here. “Worst how? I’ve heard some things about her, but no one said she was dangerous. Do you think she is, that she’d do something to me?” I made my voice sound as frightened as I could.
Steve snorted as we kept pace with each other on the way to my next class. “She’d be stupid if she does. She’s lucky she got away with drugging Cody last time; if she does anything to you, I don’t think she’d get off that easy.” I think my heart stopped, and I know my feet faltered. “Drugged?”
I think he realized he’d said too much and started back-peddling fast. “Oh, nothing, it was nothing.”
“Steve, seriously?” When he didn’t say anything more, I went in for the kill. “I guess I’ll have to ask Cody myself. This sound too serious to ignore.” I wouldn’t do that to him, but he doesn’t know that.
“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you, but you can’t tell Cap I said anything, or he’d kill me.”
“I won’t. Now tell me.” It took him a minute, and I could see him struggling to find the words.
“She put something in his drink the last time we all went out after a game. If it wasn’t for Chad and some of the others who noticed that something was off, she’d have taken him back to her place, but they stopped her just in time.”