Page 41 of Cody's Girl
That look of disappointment in his eyes had cut deep. It’s that, more than anything, that lighted a fire under me and is giving me the push I need to go ahead with this. I never felt it before because there was never anyone like Cody in my life, someone I was genuinely afraid of losing.
I didn’t know this either until it happened, that he’d come to mean so much to me in such a short space of time, or that I’d feel this strongly this soon. It’s true I could be blowing this whole thing out of proportion, but somehow I don’t think so. In my mind, this is just the beginning of whatever campaign to break us up, and for the first time in my life, I’m willing to fight for something.
It’s scary to think about, I have no real way of knowing if this would last or if one day Cody might decide he’s no longer interested, but I won’t let that stop me either, because for once in my life, I’ve decided to be selfish. Along with the fear, there’s a growing excitement and an inner strength that I didn’t know I had.
“What are you thinking about with that look on your face?” Jess grinned and finally looked down at the book she had open on her lap.
“I’m thinking about what I want to do once we find out who sent the picture.”
“What do you want to do?”
“That’s just it; I have no idea. I want to slap her, but that’s not a viable option. I guess I’ll know more once we find her.”
“This person is arrogant, don’t you think? And even though she’d gone to such great lengths to hide, I don’t think she’s afraid to be found.”
“Where did you come up with that idea?”
“I don’t know; it just strikes me that way. She had to know that she’d set things in motion. Unless she expected me to just give up and walk away.” Which I’m ashamed to admit is just what almost happened.
“That’s exactly what she expected if you ask me. Why else would she send it to me instead of just getting it to you some other way? I think she was hoping that I’d do just what I did and talk you into breaking up with him. I mean, even if he’d denied it with his last breath, it would’ve been hard to believe him if he hadn’t looked closer and seen what he saw. I mean, who else would’ve noticed the difference? I certainly wouldn’t have.”
“Exactly, Alexis, that’s why I think she’s just getting started. I think once she realizes that I didn’t break up with him that it would prompt her to act further. Which is why I want to find out who she is so I can counterattack.”
“Listen to you. Is this my little sparrow talking?” I swatted at Jess before we all turned to our books to get some homework done.
By the time practice was over, we had a strong enough plan in place to make me feel at ease. It beats looking over my shoulder between classes trying to figure out if each female I saw was the culprit. Now all I have to do is keep Cody from knowing anything about what I was up to.
As it turns out, I didn’t need Alexis to get close to Steve after all. For some reason, the next day, I kept running into him, almost as if it was meant to be. The third time I saw him, as I made my way from one class to the next, I decided to go for it. I didn’t have anything planned for my approach since Alexis was supposed to be doing this, but I wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass me by.
“Hey Steve, what are you doing here?” I made sure my voice was light and bubbly, with no hint of what I was after.
“Oh, hi Lisa, I didn’t see you there. To answer your question, I have a few classes on this side of campus. What’s up?” I fell into step beside him as we were headed in the same direction. Now how to bring it up without giving myself away?
“I meant to ask, I know Cody wouldn’t tell me, but does your coach mind me sitting in the stands during practice?”
“Why would he? It’s not like you’re interfering or anything.”
“I know, but it could be a bit distracting. I mean, I don’t see the rest of you guys bringing anyone to watch you practice.”
“Oh, Cody just did that to keep you safe.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, his face changed, and it was obvious from the look of panic he now wore that said he’d said something he shouldn’t have. Of course, I pretended not to notice.