Page 4 of Cody's Girl
Everything I said to dissuade her seemed to go over her head, and it got to the point where she’d run off any female who even showed a slight interest in me.
Now I’m not so green that I didn’t see the danger signals then and there. I’d heard every horror story out there when it came to this kind of thing, but mostly it was the female on the receiving end of this shit.
I’m not one of those fools who thinks shit can’t happen to him because he has a dick, and I sure as fuck wasn’t going to deal with her shit on my own if it got too out of hand. But I still told myself we hadn’t reached that stage yet.
The guys picked up on shit without me having to say too much; I mean, she wasn’t exactly subtle; I don’t think she’s ever heard the word. And though they seemed to think it was no big deal, there were a few times when I came close to making a nine-one-one call.
I’m no chump, I was raised tough, and I can hold my own. My dad is a hard as nails construction worker who looks like he ate rocks for breakfast and chewed iron for kicks. He taught me how to be a man in a world where we seem to have forgotten what that shit means.
Mom, well, she’s a feisty in your face; take no prisoners firecracker who taught her only son not to take shit from anyone. Dad dragged me off to work with him in the summer from the age of fifteen ‘til I left for university to build character as well as muscle.
Between that and my sport, I grew tougher and stronger, so I pretty much don’t fear anyone, but that chick scares the shit outta me. She’d taken my laid-back personality for granted and tried boxing me into a corner that I had to fight my way out of.
When I ignored her on social media, she did the whole changing classes shit so she could be near me. I was only eighteen at the time; shit, has it really been three years already?
Anyway, at eighteen, I didn’t know the first thing about dealing with that shit. I was accustomed to pulling girls, sure, but I’d never had one on my dick so hard she lost her damn mind, so I did my best to avoid her.
She was a persistent little thing, though, and it took some maneuvering to keep out of her way. Had she been a dude, I would’ve done the obvious and decked her one a long time ago. But as pissed as she makes me, I don’t see myself ever going there.
Last night would be the first time in months since I’d had any dealings with her, and from what they were saying, it looked like she’d decided to amp her crazy up a few degrees. I did get one thing out of the story Chad had told, though; this shit had crossed the line.
“She drugged me? How the fuck did she arrange that shit?” I tried to remember where I’d left my drink at any time or where she could’ve gotten access. There’s no other explanation for my memory loss and the reason I feel like hell after only a few beers.
I remembered going to the restroom once throughout the night, but I’d left my mug on the table with my buddies. Then again, the place had been so crowded and rowdy as was to be expected after a night like last night that anything was possible.
“I didn’t want to say, but it looked that way to me. What you wanna do, bro? We got witnesses.” I knew where he was going, but I also knew without evidence that it was my word against hers.
The shit may or may not be in my system still, but no one saw her put it in my drink. I could just hear her saying she was only trying to help when she was shoving me into her car.
There were too many variables and too much room for her to maneuver her way out of it. Besides, it was my own stupidity that had got me there. One good thing about it, though, the shit left such a bad taste in my mouth that I was sure it was the push I needed to finally get my act together.
“Nah, leave it. I’ll catch you guys later.”
“Some of us are going to Neely’s later on tonight, you game?” I shook my head no at Steve and hefted my backpack higher on my shoulder.
“Chad, who else knows about what happened last night?”
“Just a couple of the guys, I don’t think they caught on, though; the only reason I did is because I know the history, don’t sweat it.”