Page 32 of Cody's Girl
“No, that’s not right,” Alexis added as she stood across the room. “You were the one who said you didn’t think it was real. You were right all along. I was just too mad to see reason. Sorry, Cody!”
“It’s okay; you were protecting Lisa; I won’t fault you for that. Let’s just forget it, okay.”
I felt Lisa relax beside me and breathed an easy sigh. “Now, Jess, I’m gonna close the door and say goodbye to my girl.” She grinned and closed the door, and I wrapped both arms around Lisa, my hands landing on her perfect ass. “No more tears, okay. And if something like this happens again, I want you to call me immediately, no matter what time it is.”
“What if you’re at practice or at a game?”
“You’ll be right there in the stands so you can either get my attention if it’s important or wait until I’m done, and I’ll deal with it.” I’ll have to remember to give the guys on the bench a heads-up and the rest of the team as well.
“You expect me to be at all of your games?”
“Yes, because I can’t leave you alone for ten seconds, it seems like, without something happening. Besides, I like knowing that you’re there.” I leaned in and kissed the smile off her lips. I’d been saving our first real kiss for a special occasion, but I think we both needed this now.
Her arms came around my neck without hesitation, and she melted into me. The fact that she had no idea what she was doing warmed my heart and, instead of annoying me, made me feel that much more protective towards her. I let my tongue play in her mouth before showing her how to feed me hers.
When she needed to breathe, I took soft nibbles of her lips, not yet ready to let her go. I should probably move my plank that was pressing into her middle lest I scared her, but what the hell. She’d have to get used to him some time because if she kept kissing like this, it won’t be long before I put her under me.
By the time I walked away, we were both feeling better, that is, until I got back to my truck. The first thing I did was call up Chad and Steve to have them meet me at my place. I wasn’t about to let this shit go even though I’d told her friends to. Someone had hurt her and tried to hurt me, and I have a very good idea who was behind it. I’m going to deal with this twit once and for all because she’d crossed the line.
Besides, I know that while dad is going through his trial deal, I’m going to be a nervous wreck. What better way to preoccupy myself than by taking out the trash? But I gotta find a way to protect Lisa from any more of her bullshit.
I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t settle down, so I called the only person I knew had the ability to help me with that in the past. “Hi Pumpkin, still up? You’re not pushing yourself too hard now, are you?”
“Hi, dad!” Now that I had him on the phone, I didn’t know what to say to him. The feelings and emotions I had that were now keeping me awake were all relatively new.
“Is something the matter?” The concern in his voice jarred me, and my heart raced sickeningly in my chest when I realized that I was still acting like a little girl who’d skinned her knee.
“Oh, by the way, thanks for taking care of that thing I asked you about.”
I bit into the pad of my thumb with more worry. I’d missed the opportunity to come clean when Cody brought up the subject because it didn’t seem like the right time, and now it’s too late to go back and change it without looking like an interfering ass.
“Of course, sweetheart. Your friend must be very special for you to go to so much trouble. I’m glad to see you’re making friends already; your mother and I were afraid you wouldn’t come out of your shell long enough.” He laughed teasingly, but I heard the truth in his words. I was suddenly homesick and wary.
“Dad!” My heart thundered in my chest. If this were mom, I wouldn’t even contemplate getting her advice, but dad has always been my shoulder to lean on. It’s just… this is new territory, and I’m not sure how he’d react, but I needed answers for the confusing thoughts in my head.
So, I told him what happened, holding my breath all the way, and waited for the explosion when I was done. “So, someone tried to set him up. You didn’t tell me much about your friend before; you just asked me for a favor for his dad, which I was happy to take care of. Who is he to you?”