Page 23 of Cody's Girl
“We sure did; you remember that.”
I have no idea what he meant by that cryptic remark, but we’d reached the door to my classroom, so there was no time to ask. “I’ll see you later. My next class is on the other side of campus, so I won’t be able to come get you, but I’ll call you as soon as practice is over this evening.”
I could feel the eyes that were on us, boring holes in my back. It’s been pretty much the same since I left the cafeteria earlier. People I didn’t know were coming up to me asking a variation of the question that Jeff guy had asked in one way or the other. You’d think I was dating a rock star or some Hollywood icon.
I nodded my head and held the book closer to my chest. “Sorry about that; I didn’t even notice it in your hand.” He tapped the book, and I looked at him questioningly. “I’m supposed to carry that for you, sweet girl!” Sweet girl! Such a silly thing to bring me such joy, and what was that smile he just gave me?
“Go on in; we’ll talk later.” He reached out and touched my cheek, and I floated into the classroom, ignoring the looks from everyone in the room whose sole focus had been the two of us. He didn’t leave until I reached my desk and looked back at where he was standing in the doorway. He gave a little wave and turned to walk away, and I was able to breathe.
She’s so green. Her every action says that she’s never been in any kind of relationship before. Last night over dinner, when I’d strategically grilled her, it was obvious that she’d lived a sheltered life thus far, but I hadn’t known just how much until her surprised look just then. For some reason, that knowledge made me even more determined to lock her down before some other unworthy asshole put in his bid. Like that Jeff fuck!”
I looked in the direction he’d gone and gave serious thought to hunting him down for a little one-on-one, but I couldn’t miss any classes. Miss. Thing is all about her studies, so I need to show her that I’m serious about mine—just another incentive for me to buckle down and get my shit together.
I don’t foresee any problems from him in the future, but it pays to be prepared. If he was bold enough to approach my girl, something I’m sure he’s aware of since I’d made a point of making it known in the cafeteria, it means he doesn’t fear me. I’ll be sure and rectify that shit right quick.
I jogged back over to where Steve and Chad were waiting for me. “Everything okay? Who the fuck is that hump?” They were already feeling territorial once I filled them in after lunch when they started asking me twenty damn questions a minute. I think they were still in shock, though.
“Some kid from the cafeteria, did you see which way he went?” I looked around as if expecting to see him, but he was long gone. “Nah, we were too busy watching your Mack game.” I swung playfully at Steve, and we headed to our next class.
By the end of practice that day, I was in a hurry to get back to the dorm and call her. I didn’t even make it that far. I bypassed the locker room in favor of grabbing a shower back at the dorm and had my phone to my ear before I even left the field.
“Yo, stinky, you not hitting the showers?” Chad called out to me as I left. I just waved him off because she’d already answered. “What’re you doing?”
“I’m about to head to the library to study for this test I have tomorrow.”
I looked up at the already darkening sky, fuck! It was a good ten-minute walk from her dorm to the campus library. “Give me half an hour, and I’ll come get you.”
“Why? It’s not that far, and I like to walk….”
“I said wait.” I think I shocked her even though I hadn’t raised my voice. It was the long, drawn-out okay that tipped me off. Such a baby!
I hung up and hurried my steps to the truck before speeding to the dorm. I was in and out of the shower in ten minutes and dressed in a Henley and jeans in another five. I grabbed my keys and my Calculus book before hitting the door and going after her.
I felt like a fourteen-year-old going on his first date. All that was missing were the sweaty palms and flop sweat around the collar. She had the good sense to be waiting inside the door when I drove up, and I got out to meet her hallway when she saw me.