Page 163 of Cody's Girl
Maybe that’s why she’d grown complacent, why she thought she could get away with anything, and maybe she’s right. Had she not gone after the girl I plan to spend the rest of my life with, I would’ve kept on ignoring her misdeeds. Now I heard my dad’s voice in my head as I made my way to her place. Things he used to tell a young me who never understood at the time why my father was teaching me about how to treat and care for the woman I would one day choose as mine, the one who’d walk with me for the rest of my life.
I used to think it was silly; ten-year-old me had no use for such things. What did I care about grown-up relationships and all the bullshit that came with them? I used to wonder, too, why dad would always walk away when mom did something that got under his skin, only to hear them whispering late into the night once he returned from the little workshop he had out back.
It’s only as I got older that I understood those whispers were them working out whatever issue they’d had, and this was his way of showing his son how to treat the woman in his life like the most precious being, even going so far as to withhold his anger and frustration in front of me. His every move was an example for the son he was trying to raise. I wonder, though, if he realized that he’d raised me to commit anarchy if someone fucked with that most precious being in my life.
I paced back and forth in the new dump. My mother had got me more worried now than I had been the first few hours that had gone by without hearing anything from Jeff. I know I should’ve hung around the apartment to see what happened, but I got nervous that someone might see me and left. I’d even thought of sneaking in behind him somehow to see the action, maybe even record it for future use, but I’d scrapped that idea as well for safety’s sake.
Now here I am, pacing while going back and forth between elation and worry because my nerves won’t let me sit still. It was a great plan, the only problem being the timing. There hadn’t been much time to put things into action, but how could I know this opportunity would fall into my lap so effortlessly? The plan itself had been in the works for weeks. I’ve been working on Jeff’s mind with the drugs I kept adding to the weed he was so fond of even before I got arrested. The seeds had been planted the first time I realized he had the hots for her, though I hadn’t always known exactly what I planned to do to her.
I’d thought I had time to finesse once I came to the conclusion of what I wanted to do to her, but that was before she got me arrested and sentenced to a year and a half in jail. I’d pleaded with my dad to get me some time before turning myself in to start carrying out my sentence, and he’d pulled it off, claiming it was the last favor he was going to do for me, but he’s said that before.
I’m not afraid of the senator or his wife; I’ve got more on the both of them than either knows, things that would keep me in good stead when the time comes. Right now, my main goal is to destroy this Lisa bitch for daring to take something away from me. I may not stand a chance with Cody now because of her, but I’d be damned if I’m going to leave her to enjoy him while I rot away in a jail cell.
With time running out, I had no choice but to push things ahead of schedule, but I still had no idea how or when I was going to put them into motion. Following Cody these last few days without being noticed paid off, and today, just a few short days after I’d started, I’d hit pay dirt. It was the first time he or those friends of hers had left her alone for more than a minute.
My heart had almost failed me. It was beating so fast when I saw Cody leave alone, to the point that it took me a few tries to pick up the phone to call Jeff. I cautioned myself as I drove the short distance to his dorm to pick him up and then made a stop at the nearest florist, all while he was getting high in the backseat.
I spent the time filling his head with the same nonsense as always and listening to him ramble on and on about the bitch and her infidelity, egging him on in his anger until he was damn near spitting each word from his mouth. I had no qualms about leading his mind where I wanted it, planting those dark seeds of hate and animosity until he was damn near rabid.