Page 155 of Cody's Girl
“Move your damn hand.” I shook my head as I looked back over my shoulder at him, tears streaming down my face. I’d like to say the tears were just for show, that it was my hurt pride more than anything that caused them, but that would be a lie. My butt hurt like the dickens. And my beloved looked at my tear-stained face and didn’t give a damn.
“I told you.” Smack! “Don’t keep shit from me.” Smack! “What the fuck!” Smack! There were a few more smacks, and a whole lot said, which I barely heard over my bawling, and when he turned me over and held me close, I cried even harder, don’t ask me why. Oh, maybe because my ass was on fire.
I was a confused mess for the first few seconds after he was through. His arms felt good around me, and I wanted them there, and yet I wanted to get as far away from him as possible because I was so mad that he had the audacity to spank me like a child. Of course, he wouldn’t let me off his lap, and the truth is I didn’t really want to go anywhere anyway. I was a mess.
My sniffles lasted much longer than my tears did and I was feeling very put upon. I wanted to rail at him that none of this was my fault while inside, promising myself to knock Jeff on his ass the next time I saw him, but all I could muster was more sniffles and a pout.
“Stop sulking; you deserve it.” In which universe? I didn’t say it out loud because I’ve decided never to speak to him again in this lifetime. As if the spanking wasn’t bad enough, the beast started lecturing me.
“If you keep things from me again, next time, you’ll get worst. Now tell me everything that happened that day and the days since.”
“It’s not been that long since it happened,” I grumbled because the look he gave me when I kept silent promised more retribution.
“Why did he think it was okay to do that? Just run up and touch you like that?”
“I don’t know. I never encouraged him if that’s what you’re asking.” Do I need to remind him that he has his own nutcase on campus?
“I remember him from the first day we met. You’re saying he never approached you since that day?”
“No, not like this. He’s asked me stuff about class, things like that. But nothing personal.”
You’d think after letting off steam on my butt, he’d have calmed down, but nope, he still looked like puff the magic dragon. No, wait, Grandma Astor said that song is talking about drugs. What the hell am I thinking about? Cody just spanked me. Is that like a thing?
“And that’s the only time he touched you?” Dog, meet bone.
“Yes!” Looking at me like the founder of Spetsnaz isn’t going to change my answer.
“Listen to me very carefully, Annalisa; if something like this happens again, and you don’t tell me right away, I’m going to rethink this relationship.”
My tears dried right up as I looked at him. “You can’t be serious.”
“Yeah, I am. I told you. Keeping shit from me, thinking you have to do everything yourself, is where I draw the line. By doing that shit, you’re saying you don’t trust me to take care of you.”
“No, that’s not it. That’s not it at all. I just don’t want you to get into trouble because of something like this, or like the Susie thing.”
“You let me worry about that. Two people together are supposed to be of one mind, one heart. If someone hurts you, I need to know about it. If something is bothering you, I need to know about it. This going off and doing shit by yourself; I’m not with it.”
“You’re blowing this whole thing out of proportion. It wasn’t that big of a deal.”
“If it wasn’t that big of a deal, the whole campus wouldn’t be talking about it. He set you up. For what reason? Have you thought of that?”
“I did think it was a bit suspicious, but what could he get out of doing this?”
“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out. Now stop crying.” I didn’t even know that I still was. He was nice enough to wipe my tears with his fingertips, which only confused the hell out of me. He’s mad, mad enough to spank me, so why is he being so tender with me now? He’s the cause and the cure?
I decided that I was pissed way the heck off. Not so much at him but at stupid Jeff for getting me in trouble; Cody didn’t need to know that, though, so he thought my mean face was all for him. “Don’t look at me like that unless you want more.”