Page 132 of Cody's Girl
“So that’s it? We don’t have to go to court or anything?”
“Davenports, don’t go to court, Cody.” My girl was back. At least it sounded like her.
“Not so fast, young lady. Jarvis will meet you downstairs. We’ll see you in a bit.” Grandma Davenport caught me just as I was about to make my escape. Poor Cody, out of the frying pan and into the fire.
“Come!” I grabbed his sleeve and pulled him from the room ahead of the others.
I’d spent the last hour or so trying to come up with a good enough explanation to give him to keep him from bolting. “What’s up with you? Why are you so afraid of her? Isn’t that your grandmother?” We made it to the elevator alone, so I had about five minutes to fill him in and hope for the best.
“Yes, she’s my grandmother, my father’s mother. Kitty Davenport. Listen very carefully, do not look her in the eye; no matter what she says, do not divulge any pertinent information. If I pinch your leg, that means you’re on the wrong course, regroup and try again.”
“What’re you talking about?” He looked so confused.
“I don’t have a lot of time to explain; just follow my lead.”
“Give me something; you’re freaking me out. She can’t be worse than your mom, right.” I gave the poor besotted fool a pitying look.
“You wish! Mom would have to live three lifetimes, two of them in hell, to be as formidable as Katherine Devon-Davenport. Have you seen the Disney movie Maleficent? No? How about Cruella Deville in One Hundred and One Dalmatians?” He started to laugh; I didn’t.
“Come on, that lady?”
“Those two are childish amateurs compared to grandma. Hollywood only wishes they could harness what she is and put it on the screen.”
“You’ve completely lost me. I didn’t get any of that from her in there.”
“That’s because she wasn’t talking; they never talk when Harold is around because he’s already been given his orders, and they pay him more than most people make in six lifetimes to carry them out effortlessly. So, when we get to wherever they’re kidnapping us off to, do not let your guard down. If Kitty’s here, there’s going to be trouble.”
“So, you’re saying that she’s worse than your mom and her side of the family.”
“My mother’s family are wealthy, like ten digits wealthy. My father’s family is also wealthy, but their ten digits are a little closer to the twelve-digit mark.”
“I have no idea what you’re saying.”
“Think billions compared to trillions.” Now I was the one having to hold him up.
“Nope, nope, nope. You can’t do that. If Blaire scents blood in the water, Kitty can hunt you from a country away. Remember what I told you, stick close to me, don’t say anything.” Thankfully we didn’t have to drive with them. “Jarvis, you snake, you didn’t tell me they were here.”
“You didn’t ask Miss.” I curled my lip up at him, and he hid his smile.
Jarvis has been with my family since I was a very young child. He used to sneak things to me from dad when mom went on one of her tears about what I ate when I ate, and what have you. He’s my buddy, my pal, but he’s too loyal to the elders for me to trust him completely.
Cody started to ask a question, but I held my finger to my lips and pointed at the front seat. “Whatever it is, if you don’t want it repeated, keep it until we get out of the car,” I warned him out the side of my mouth.
“So you know that he’s….”
“Of course, I know. I’m Blaire Davenport’s daughter, after all.”
He grinned like that was funny. He won’t be grinning when I turn into her at some point in our lives which is something I’m beginning to fear. I’ve become way too acclimated to my environment and was beginning to see some of her traits in myself; more’s the pity because I think I could out-Blaire her if time provides.
We sat in silence the rest of the way and ended up back at the hotel. I almost panicked until I remembered that the hotel staff would’ve cleaned the room by now, and there would be no evidence of the weekend’s debauchery.
I held onto Cody like a life jacket, losing some of my bravado now that we were entering the lion’s den. I haven’t even given Susie a thought. From the moment I stepped into that conference room and saw the lineup, I knew her goose was cooked, and she’d bitten off more than she could chew.
When Grandpa Astor says no compromise, not even ten sticks of dynamite can remove him from his position, and anyone who knows knows that it’s a wasted effort to even try. I’m not sure what mom had told him, but he was out for blood today, and when that happens, it pays to stay low and invisible.