Page 13 of Cody's Girl
I looked at the other girl in the midst. She was cute too, but not as cute as my girl. My girl! Huh! Something else about me, I make up my mind real quick about shit. It struck me as funny that she’d walked into my line of vision the day after I’d decided to buckle down. Maybe it was fate, something else I believe in.
I have two more semesters to go before I can achieve all that I want to here. It’s mom’s dream that I get a degree and dad’s that I play in the pros. Both things I’ve vowed to fulfill no matter what it takes.
Thank fuck my grades haven’t suffered too badly, and neither has my game in the time that I’d been making an ass of myself, so I’m pretty much still in good standing and well on my way to fulfilling everything I’ve ever wanted for myself and my family.
But now I find myself in the space of a few short minutes questioning shit. Had it only been a few minutes? Somehow it seemed longer. Like a lot of time had passed since I first noticed her enter the room.
What the fuck did she have going on anyway that I was this mesmerized? Even though a couple of the guys at her table were checking her out covertly, I didn’t see anyone else even noticing her presence, especially the guys at my table and they’re known dogs.
Granted, she was too far away to really see much of anything, and if that asshole closest to her found an excuse to brush his arm against her one more time, I’m gonna walk across the room and deck him.
It was obvious that she wasn’t even interested, the way she kept her eyes focused on her food and seemed to be giving him one-word answers. I could see that shit from clear across the room, but this ass didn’t seem capable of catching a damn clue.
I wonder if she forgot that I had her in my sights when she made that little maneuver with her eyes. It was a dead plea for help from her friend, who leaned across her and said something to the clueless asshole. Whatever it was couldn’t have been that bad because he was smiling, but I did notice the slight shifting of her chair closer to her friend, who engaged her in conversation and left the guy out.
There it is! I was waiting for that covert glance to come at me; she hadn’t sent one my way in three minutes; I was counting. She might be too far, but not far enough for me to miss the color in her cheeks when our eyes met for about the third time.
When I started grinning like an idiot, I knew I was in trouble, especially more so when that ‘I wanna get to know you’ feeling hit me in the gut. But could I find time for romance? I’m so close to the end goal it could go both ways. One, I could finally get to experience the full college life, girlfriend and all. Or, it could derail my shit. Women are a lot of work; dad taught me that too.
How about her? Would she want to date someone who’s going to be gone in another year? What if we got serious? What if, what if….There were already a lot of what-ifs, and we hadn’t even met. That right there was probably a precursor of shit to come, a warning that this shit was best left alone. But even as I thought it, I knew I wasn’t going to. Maybe getting tangled up with a female was a better deal than hanging out drinking with the boys and getting my ass drugged. Sounds good to me.
I rearranged some things in my head, all the while keeping my eye on her. Shit, I need a name. How the fuck am I gonna arrange that without raising the alarm? Just then, her friend looked up and saw me and leaned over to whisper something to her. To be a fly on the wall!
“Fuck it!” I got up from my seat with Steve calling after me, asking where I was going. “Be right back; I forgot something.” I made my way over to her table, hoping that none of my douchebag friends were paying attention.
Dragging a chair from another table, I straddled it in front of her. The whole damn table went quiet. What the fuck? I glared the guys into looking away or shifting, smiled at her friend, and turned my attention back to her.
She’s fucking gorgeous. Like the kind of gorgeous you don’t expect to see every day, not unless it’s on a movie screen anyway. What a dilemma! It only took me a few seconds to realize that this is not the kind of girl you can easily walk away from. There are some things in life that you would kill to hold onto, that you’d never share with anyone in this life or the next. The only thing I ever felt that passionate about is the game. It’s been my focus for the past seven years, bar none.