Page 108 of Cody's Girl
Harold is the family lawyer. He’s the type that would’ve got Ted Bundy a reduced sentence for good behavior. In other words, he eats better people than Susie for breakfast. As much as I dislike her, I hadn’t meant to sic him on her. “Mom, we don’t have to.”
“Yes, we do.” Cody had finally found his voice after looking like he’d seen a ghost when my parents walked in. Dad had yet to speak, but he hadn’t stopped sizing up Cody since he walked into the room.
“And you are?”
“Cody, Cody Baxter, ma’am.” He held out his hand, and I was surprised when she took it.
“Blaire Astor Davenport, Lisa’s mother. I understand you’re the male lead in this little drama.”
“Pardon me?”
“Never mind, we’ll save that for later….”
Just then, there were raised voices out in the hallway, and a very well-dressed woman barged into the room. She looked enough like Susie to herald their relationship as mother and daughter. “Where’s the little bitch that…. I know you.” She’d started walking towards me but stopped short when her eyes landed on dad, then they turned to mom, and I saw the recognition enter.
She held out her hand as she came forward. “Hello, I’m Elizabeth Powell, and you’re….”
“Powell, are you the senator’s wife?” Mom didn’t let her finish. Neither did she take her hand.
“Yes, I am.” Oh no. Mom’s eyebrows drew back into her forehead, and her lips got thin. I know that look.
“I think my father just bought your husband, oh I mean…you know what I mean. It’s so crass discussing money in public like this; why don’t we table that for another time.”
“Of course.” I think that woman’s soul just died right in front of my eyes.
“Now, onto the issue of your daughter attacking mine.”
“Oh no, it was nothing like that. As I understood it, it was an accident. I doubt my Susie even knew whose car it….”
“She knew. She undoubtedly knew.”
“I find that hard to believe. Susie has never done anything like this before. She would never….”
“Are you implying then that my daughter is a liar?” Mom’s voice was cold as ice. Even I felt the chill. I tugged on Cody’s arm and moved him out of the way and back to our seats lest he got hit with flying shrapnel. Blaire doesn’t lose her shit often, but when she does, it’s a sight to behold, almost like a lightning storm.
Even dad stayed in the corner out of the way, almost as if he’d gotten the lecture all the way here. Mom was going to handle it. If only I knew what all Melissa had told her, I might be able to keep this poor woman from losing her head along with whatever else she holds dear.
Oh well, she’s on her own. Right now, I was more worried about how much my parents had overheard between Cody and me before they walked in and was scrambling to remember all that was said. Elizabeth looked from mom to me and back as if expecting me to come to her rescue, but just then, the door opened, and Susie was brought in by a very harried-looking cop.
“Mom, you’re here, finally.” Her eyes came to Cody and me, and she saw red, I guess because she started fuming. “There’s that bitch I told you about. This is all her fault.” She made a move as if to come towards me, and Cody jumped up from his seat and got between us. I didn’t move an inch because the real show was just about to begin. Go, Blaire.
“Is this the daughter you were speaking of?”
“Yes, I’m so sorry. Susie, have you been drinking?” She whispered in a furious tone which we all heard.
“Mom, what are you talking about? They arrested me; they put handcuffs on me and held me in a room no bigger than a broom closet for hours without offering me even a glass of water.”
Susie wasn’t even trying to be quiet while her mother was doing everything but gagging her stupid butt. “Keep your voice down, and let me handle this. Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, please accept my apologies. I’m sure we can get to the bottom of this without getting the law involved.” Snort, she has no idea. The law is the least of her problems right now. “Just give me one minute.” She dragged Susie away, who was none too pleased.
Did I fall and hit my head? Why is my mother sucking up to these people?
“Mom, what’s going on? Why were you talking to that woman?”
“Listen, these are not the kind of people you mess with. These people are more American royalty than the Kennedys.” Mom hissed in a half whisper as if afraid they’d hear her through the door.
But what was she saying? This didn’t make any sense. “Which side?”