Page 106 of Cody's Girl
“Where is everyone? Call someone and find out.” It couldn’t be that everyone stayed in for whatever was going on at the sorority house; those things are hardly any fun, and even if some of the girls bowed out, surely not all of them would?
Everyone’s phone started going off except mine, and then the excuses started. “Tracy, where the hell are you going?”
“Oh, I’ve got a thing.” She tugged on Belinda’s arm, and the two of them headed for the door just as Heather’s phone went off. That’s when I found out the truth about what was going on.
“That bitch!” The stupid manager claimed it was too late for a refund, so that was a couple grand down the drain, and I’m pretty sure the staff was laughing at me. Since I’d already paid for it, I opened up the taps on their beer and threw the platters of wings on the floor on my way out the door.
“You should calm down. You’ve already been written up….”
“Shut the hell up.” I pushed Heather out of the way, and she chose today to pretend that it was a big deal and flounced off in the direction of the others. My pressure was up by the time I pulled into the parking lot next to the row of frat and sorority houses, and that’s when I saw her car front and center.
I didn’t even realize that some of the party-goers had made it all the way over there, and it wouldn’t have mattered anyway if I did. I was too mad to think straight when I picked up the bottle and flung it at the windshield. It didn’t break the first time, it took a few tries, but I broke that bitch in pieces.
And now, because of those people that I hadn’t noticed, I’ve ended up here. Arrested, and I hadn’t even got my hands on her. I should probably stop like Heather said, but I can’t; something inside me won’t let me.
I’ve never lost at anything before, never had to give up on something I wanted, something that rightfully belonged to me. It didn’t matter that he didn’t seem to know that now; if he’d only give me a chance, I could show him. I was willing to forgive his past indiscretions, even her if he’d only come to my side.
How could he look at her like that? Even through my anger, I’d seen the way he protected her, even from the cops. And what did I get? A look of hate. Why? What have I done that’s so awful? I’m not even sure he knows that I was the one who drugged him. He’s never said it; no one else has either. So why couldn’t he choose me over that mousy little tart who was only out for what she could get?
His name is on everyone’s lips with hers; her license plate proclaims her to be his as if they’re already one. He seems so serious about her, and until tonight I don’t think I really accepted what that meant. Not until I saw the way he looked at me like I was nothing while holding onto her like she was his everything.
“What the…” The cop in front of me turned around when I screamed to release the agony I felt. “You sure we shouldn’t take her to the hospital? She seems to be having some kind of mental break.”
“I’m not crazy, asshole; I just need to get out of here. Where’s my mom? I want my mom. My dad is going to make you pay for this.”
“Yes, we know; you’ve told us about a million times. Now shut up and sit back; we’ll be there soon, then you can call your mother.” I spit in his face with glee. Who does he think he’s talking to?
“That’s gonna cost you.”
“We’ll just see about that.”
I was in high dudgeon until I remembered that dad was still pissed about the room situation. What was he going to say about this? He won’t leave me there overnight, will he? Panic started to set in when we pulled into the station, and I realized I was alone; there was no one here to hold my hand.
TH?? = MINE. That’s what started this whole thing. I’m sure of it. I knew when I first saw it that something like this could happen, so why didn’t I do something before it came to this? I was too wrapped up in us this past week to care about much else, and besides, I’m the only one driving the car, so I figured it was safe. Little did I know, huh.
I don’t know how to make this up to her, how to make up for bringing this into her life? And worse, for not protecting her. How had things come to this? I couldn’t do or say anything in the police station, or I’d probably end up spending the night here, but it was hard to keep the rage contained.