Page 29 of His Sweet Reward
Anger burns through me along with embarrassment for Brooklyn. I never wanted her to get involved in all of that bullshit. As soon as I met her, I knew she was different, but this is how I repay her kindness. By putting her in the middle of their gossip pit full of vipers.
“Watch yourself,” I warn, unable to control my temper.
She cuts her eyes at me and I clench my fists at my side. What Brooklyn told me about Victoria was kind compared to what I’m seeing in front of me now. There is no illusion of duty or obligation, only pure evil and vengeance.
“Oh Dash, I think you’re the one who needs to watch it. Although I would love a Belmont as a future son-in-law, I’m afraid you’re not getting off that easy.” I don’t like the threat she’s giving me as she walks down the last few steps and breezes by me. “You see, Charlotte is breaking the news to your precious incubator right now, and knowing Brooklyn the way we do, the shame she will bring on this family as an unwed mother will be a heavy burden.”
I open my mouth to speak and she giggles like a teenager as she waves my protests away.
“So if there’s a chance you’ve knocked her up already, we’ll have the DNA tested and you’ll empty your pockets for my grandchild.” She chokes on the last word but raises her chin in challenge.
Fuck, this is all spinning too fast. I need to talk to Brooklyn. Just as I look around for the direction of the kitchen, I see a flash of dark hair coming from that direction.
“Brooklyn,” I breathe as I walk to her, but the second she looks up, her tearful eyes meet mine and my chest is crushed. “Let me explain.”
She opens her mouth but then snaps it shut and shakes her head as she tries to walk past me. Anger and frustration bite at my heels as I jump in front of her and block her way.
“No, we’re not doing this again. You’re not running from me.”
“Dash,” she says softly as she comes to an abrupt halt, nearly hitting my chest.
I hear that rotten giggle again and I look over to see Victoria leaning against the banister as Charlotte slowly walks out of the kitchen to join her mother.
“No!” My voice is louder and clearer this time and Brooklyn snaps her head up to look at me. “We are not doing this again. I’m not going to lose you because of a misunderstanding.”
“What’s to misunderstand?” she asks, and though I might be completely desperate, it sounds like there’s a shred of hope in her voice.
“I wanted to tell you in private, I was going to tell you all of it. I didn’t mean for it to happen like this.”
I hear the front door open behind me but I don’t turn around to see who it is. I don’t give a fuck right now. The only thing I care about is making Brooklyn understand and keeping her from running from me. If everyone at this party hears this, then so be it.
“What’s he doing here?” I hear Charlotte hiss to Victoria.
Brooklyn looks back at them and then past me to the person who just walked in. “I know that guy,” she says, mostly to herself, and I finally peer over my shoulder to see my cousin Josh walking in like he owns the place.
He sees me and his steps falter for just a moment before he continues on his path to where we’re standing.
“Cousin!” he says with his arms stretched wide, like he’s going to hug me. “Great to see you here.”
“You know him?” I ask Brooklyn, ignoring Josh, and she nods slowly.
“He came to the school last week asking me about enrollment.” She blinks a few times and shakes her head. Then she leans closer and whispers, “He gave me the creeps.”
I turn around to face Josh and position Brooklyn at my back. For all the shit hitting the fan right now, I feel her move in close to me and place her palm against my shoulder. Good. I need her on my side right now.
“I’ve been looking for you,” I say through gritted teeth, and he drops his arms and cocks his head to the side.
“Why didn’t you just call me, Dash?” His smile falls just a fraction as he looks beyond me to Victoria and Charlotte. “You know I’m always happy to help with whatever difficulties you’re having.”
That motherfucker has the balls to wink at Brooklyn before he slicks his dark hair back out of his face.
“I’m done playing with you, Josh.” I crack my knuckles and some of the color drains from his face. “As of a phone call this morning, I’ve got enough evidence of your embezzlement in the company bank account to send your ass to prison. I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you fucked around and messed with the woman I love.”