Page 18 of His Sweet Reward
“Yes, but we’re not really going.”
Is this why he didn’t push to hang out longer? I’d played with the idea in my head about going back to his place tonight and coming home early before work. He didn’t press it, so I didn’t offer and I wasn’t going to invite myself over.
I walk over to the sofa and drop onto it. “I don’t understand.” My eyes sting with tears but I don’t let them escape.
“Men are jerks,” Blair says as she sits down next to me.
“Sex. They all want sex,” Cherry adds in.
“He was so sweet,” I groan as I tell them all the things we did together and the things he said.
“That does not sound anything like Thanos. Are you sure this is the same guy?” Blair looks to Harlow.
“I saw him myself. He didn’t remember me, but I remembered him. But he never tried to get in my pants. He was rude and pretty much ignored me. It’s weird because why did he go on a date if he didn’t want to be there?”
“Same,” Cherry and Blair say at the same time.
“It doesn’t matter. We know it’s the same guy and you connected with him on the app again under a new account. Now he’s trying to meet up with you, so clearly he’s a player. Who knows why he’s doing whatever it is he’s doing.” I all but shout the last part as I stand up from the sofa. I need to be alone.
“I’m sorry.” Blair grabs my hand. “Let’s get some ice cream.”
“No. I want to shower and go to bed.” I hear my phone chime in my purse and there’s only one person that’s not in this living room that would be texting me.
I walk over to it and put my phone on silent without checking it.
“I’m sorry,” Blair says again.
“I should have known.”
I was right. Dash was too good to be true.
Chapter Ten
I’m nervous as I check my phone and then my watch for the millionth time. I sent Brooklyn a few texts last night after I got home but I never heard back from her. I kept telling myself she probably fell asleep and forgot to check her phone. But something in my gut felt wrong and that’s the thing I always trust.
“Park here,” I tell my driver as he pulls up to the curb of her building. “I’ll be down shortly.”
I check my watch again and see it’s just before six o’clock. From what Brooklyn told me, she has to get up really early to be at school on time. She should be leaving for work soon and I thought I’d surprise her by giving her a lift. I’m in a T-shirt with jogging pants and a baseball hat, since my plan is to go home and get ready for work after I drop her off.
When I get to her building I see there’s no lock on the door and that irritates me. Anyone can just walk in? There’s no security guard and there isn’t any kind of security on the elevator either. I balance the bag of fresh-baked pastries and coffee in one hand as I push the button for her floor and wait. I’m nervous and excited as I ride up, and I have to stop myself from bouncing on my toes. I don’t want to spill anything.
The elevator chimes and I walk to her door and take a deep breath. I knock softly and after a second, the door opens wide.
“Hey, Buttercup.” I smile at Brooklyn, but she doesn’t return it. I know something is wrong the second I see her face and I step inside. “What’s wrong?” She doesn’t try to stop me as I set the box of food and containers of coffee on the table by the door.
I turn to reach for her and that’s when she takes a step back. Like she’s finally realized I’m here. “You need to leave.”
Her voice is soft and I don’t know if it’s because she doesn’t want to wake up her roommate or because she’s upset. Her eyes are red and puffy and she doesn’t look like she got a wink of sleep.
“Brooklyn, what’s wrong? Please tell me what happened. Have you been crying?”
“Look, I don’t want to do this right now. I’m going to be late for work.” She tries to step around me and I block her path.
“Do what?” I hold my hands up and she backs off like I’m on fire. “Brooklyn.” This time my voice is stern and her eyes snap up to meet mine. “What is going on?”
“What’s going on?” Her voice rises and now she takes a step towards me in anger. “What’s going on? I should be asking you that after your night out on the town.”
I see the light in the hallway behind her turn on and I’m guessing her roommate is awake.