Page 84 of Once Upon a Christmas
“Really?” she whispered.
“Really, truly.”
She swallowed, nodded. “You have to remember though, I’m not posh. I’m not educated in an elite girl’s school, and there’s been no finishing school in Switzerland, no debut balls, no etiquette classes. I’m just me and, good or bad, I will always just be me.”
“Perfect,” he answered, kissing her mouth again, loving the fullness and the softness as well as the sweetness, because no one kissed sweeter than Cara. “Because it’s just you that I have fallen in love with. You, exactly the way you are, give me so much happiness.”
In the background, they could hear the countdown begin.
Ten, nine, eight…
“Cara,” he said, clasping her face between his hands, “will you, my love, marry me?”
Four, three…
“You’re sure?” she cried.
He nodded.
She nodded and then cried, yes, flinging her arms around his neck even as the clock struck midnight and the living room erupted in sound—noisemakers and horns, laughter and shouts of happy New Year! A little person banged pots and pans. A baby began to wail. And Alec was kissing Cara again, welcoming the new year and the rest of their lives.
The End