Page 20 of Tender Psycho
Yesterday, he almost caught me in his trap. The voice he used was so soft, so persuasive I almost threw myself at the door to let him in. I’m weak when I’m under his influence. I’m his puppet when I’m under his influence. I feel like sometimes he can make me do absolutely anything.
Growing lightheaded, I put the sage down and take a couple of deep breaths.In and out...slowly, calmly...I am in control...
I almost let out a cry at the knock on my door. So lenient and sweet...friendly. Cupping my hands under my chin, I stare at the door like it’s the portal to the netherworld. If I’m really silent and really quiet then maybe he’ll buy it and think I’m not here and I stop breathing.
My eyes widen when he turns the knob and I choke on a shriek by pressing my hand over my mouth.
The knob stops moving and there’s silence. And a furious and deadly stillness that makes the fuzz on my nape stand.
“My sweet...,” Nathanos purrs in a soothing tone, “what’s this? I thought we had an agreement.”
“You were wrong,” I croak. “Now leave me alone before I tell everyone in this house what you’re doing.”
“You’re not being very kind, Amabella.” His voice sharpens. “Open the door.”
“No!” I choke. “I’m never letting you in. “
“Just g...go.”
He drags ragged breaths on the other side and his frustration and grief is almost tangible.
“Am I just an afterthought to you? A thing you can toss aside when you’re done playing?” He inhales. “I never thought you of all people would reject me, Amabella. Never thought you could be this cruel, this heartless.” His voice cracks.
Pinching my lips, I shake my head and stand strong. “I don’t want to hurt you, Nathanos. But youf...frightenme.”
“Then let me comfort you. Open the door and I’ll take you into my arms and show you, you don’t have to be frightened.” When I don’t reply he adds in a patient voice. “Sweetheart, I know I haven’t always treated you in a way you’d be comfortable with but I want to make things better between us.”
“You do?” I whisper, feeling myself reluctantly relax. What if he’s truly had a change of heart? “You won’t humiliate me anymore. Or make me feel h...helpless?”
“I’ll be very good. I just want to talk to you, show you how much I regret my actions.” He waits on the other side while I stay silent. And I stay silent for a long while until he heart crushingly pleads, “Don’t leave me out in the cold.”
Straightening, I drop my hands from my chin and cross the floor. Taking a deep breath, I turn the knob and I can feel the excitement on the other side. He just wants totalk. I unlock the door, slowly opening it...
“Nathanos!” I cry when he attacks me. “Liar...!” I sob and I’m trapped in his arms, his mouth on my lips and it feels like I’m being licked by infernal flames. He throws me down on the bed and I pant when he lands on top of me. I sprawl, kicking out with my legs and try hitting him with my fists but it’s useless.
“I love your pathetic tries to fight me,” Nathanos groans and his eyes roll back in his head. He licks my throat. “But my should know I can’t be fought. Surrender is the only way out.”
“You’re vile!” I cry, fidgeting until I can’t breathe. “How can you be so evil?” I scream and he clamps his hand over my mouth. My eyes flare when Nathanos rasps,
“You hurt.” He rests his head on my chest. “Sometimes you do know how tohurtme.”
Shaking underneath him, I resist the crazy impulse to take his face into my hands and beg for forgiveness. But I quickly drop that thought like hot coal when he yanks at my gown and rips it off my trembling body. I lay there, naked and pinned under him and he drags a ragged breath and looks down on me.
His brow curve over his eyes, his gaze intense enough to burn a hole through me and he claps my hands over my head, while using his free hand to give my entire body a long stroke. There’s so much tenderness in that stroke that I hate him with all my heart.
“Stop that,” I sob and his eyes flash, obscure and full of triumph and wickedness that make a girl feel like she’s spinning down a very dark path. Ignoring my wish, he gives me another stroke. This time, he touches my breast and I run wet and hot between my legs. “Please stop...,” I choke.
He’s making me want him. I need him but I can’t need him. He ruins me and he does it lovingly. My head thrashes on the pillow when he traces a hand up my inner thigh and my back reluctantly arches from how good it feels.
“Don’t be afraid of me, sweetheart,” Nathanos moans. “I’ll be very tender...”
“I hate you!”
His eyes flash with anger. “You won’t hate me when I make you come.”
I whimper in response and he rasps, “That’s what I thought.” He bites his lip and his eyes deepen with emotions. “I just want you to let me love you.”