Page 18 of Tender Psycho
“Why do you do this to me?” I pant, my eyes fluttering at the way his kiss explodes in me like an avalanche. “I shouldn’t let you do this.”
“Then stop me,” he rumbles, “stop me or please me, just don’t ever discard me...” He hisses when he pulls down his zipper and I cry out, falling to my knees and stare for a moment. It’s so cold, his thick length gets a frosty tint and I put it in my mouth to keep it warm.
He shudders from gratitude, stroking my face and his whole body’s on alert.
“Such swollen lips...,” he groans, “dreamt about them the whole night. Dreamt about them taking my cock.” He juts, undulating in my mouth and I get the tingles in my core. I can’t get enough, rubbing myself against his strong legs as my eyes roll back and he praises me, making me feel powerful and in charge and I choke on a lustful cry when he comes in my mouth. Swaying, he tosses his head back and inhales, his chest heaving with satisfaction before he pulls me to him and gives me a kiss that bursts with appreciation.
“That was very sweet of you, my love,” he groans and his ecstasy is almost numbing. “Especially considering I almost killed your brother in cold blood and you still went down on your knees before me.” He puts his forehead against mine. “You do adore me after all, admit it.”
I helplessly groan at his words but he chuckles and I try pushing him away, my pulse juddering in my veins and I’m both humiliated and frustrated and mad at myself. He trapped me once more.
“Let go of me,” I say between my teeth and his eyes flash.
“Not before you tell me you love me.” His hands clasp around my shoulders, his gaze full of intent. “Say it.”
“I love you, Nathanos,” I whisper. “Now please let me go.”
He obliges, letting go of me but it’s not enough. I need to get away from him.
I need to run.
Standing with my hands in my pockets, I look out the window. My body’s drumming with excitement because tonight is the night when I will claim her. I can already see it before me. Amabella in a high necked nightgown looking like innocence itself, sprawled on the bed and greedy to welcome me.
I can still feel her mouth around my shaft and I hold down a groan. It was perfect. Amabella on her knees, looking up at me with those perplexed eyes that switched between love and hate. She’s confused, doesn’t know what to make of me or our love but it’ll clear once she understands there’s no other male for her.
Nobody’s allowed to go near her. It would break me if another man touched her.
And it would break me even more if she liked it.
The betrayal...I wouldn’t be able to bear it.
Contrary to what Amabella may believe, I’m afeeler. I feel so much that sometimes I fear she won’t be able to handle it and eventually check out. Accept me of course, because I’ll make her do it but I don’t want a bleak acceptance. I want a scorching one. I want hot lips and rutting hips and that devotion she had with me. She still has that devotion whether she likes it or not.
Our bond is unbreakable because I made sure it would be.
I did my job well. I made her imprint on me and now she can’t scrub me off like I’m graffiti on a wall, she wants to do over. I’m here for good. I’m in her veins and it’s a bloody pleasant place to be.
I place another log on the fire and rub my hands together.
Tonight...tonight I will...
Tensing, I shift uneasily when I realize I haven’t heard Amabella move around in a while. She went upstairs after our little hunting trip and I wonder whether she’s gone to bed. I sigh. Perhaps I do tire her too much and should go easier on her. And suddenly I contemplate whether to postpone the claiming.
If she’s overtired it might be best if I just stroke her and whisper sweet nothings until she falls asleep and leave the claiming for the morning. Rubbing my jaw, I consider my plan when the staircase creaks in the hallway. At first I don’t react, thinking it’s the house’s usual moaning but then there’s another creak.
It piques my interest.
Sounds like someone’s coming down and being very careful like they don’t wish to be seen. Hm...who could that be? Surely it’s not my little Amabella. She would never try to be sneaky like this. A mixture of amusement and enragement flares in me and I walk out into the hallway, hiding behind the wall and sure enough there she is.
Her eyes are wide open and she’s all dressed in black. She think’s it’ll camouflage her in the night, thinks I won’t be able to see her. Still so very naïve. Haven’t I taught her anything? Doesn’t she know she can’t run from me? I’ll always find her. Holding her breath, she sneaks toward the door, putting her hand on the knob when she hesitates.
I feel a flash of tenderness.