Page 10 of Tender Psycho
Cute. I don’t really do cute.
“Couples tend to do more than what we do,” I rasp and she tenses a little, her eyes rounding before looking down.
“You mean lovemaking?” she whispers.
I wouldn’t exactly call it lovemaking.
“Fucking, Amabella,” I whisper gently in her ear, holding her body tightly to mine. “I’m talking aboutfucking.”
Twitching, she looks up at me, screwing her face up and she gasps. “Nate, I only like our kisses for now.”
“That’s fine but I’m going to have to claim you, my sweetheart. I’m not going to be able to control myself forever.”
She nods. “I understand that.” She bites her lip. “And I won’t let you wait forever.”
How generous of her. And how convenient that she won’t fight me.
I’ve turned my ideas around like a Rubik’s Cube, trying to come up with a surefire way to bind her to me and in the end, the solution was the most natural one. With my offspring in her womb, she won’t ever be able to turn to another male and she’s not the kind to keep a child away from his father.
It’s not a perfect solution but its good enough. A pregnancy and an heir will ensure that her warmth never leaves me. I’ll have a lifetime’s supply, be able to drink from her whenever I want like she’s my secret, little fountain.
Gasping, Amabella gazes up at the sky. “Look Nate, it’s snowing. You know what that means?” Giving me a playful glance, she bursts out into laughter. “This means war!” Sniggering, she makes a snowball between her mittens before throwing it at me and it hits me in the chest.
“Very funny,” I mutter, brushing off the flakes left on my coat and Amabella jumps in place.
“Come on. You suck at this game. Didn’t you ever play it as a kid?”
I freeze up on the inside, disliking questions about my childhood.
Amabella doesn’t wait for my answer, throwing another snowball at my back and I shoot out with my arm but she jumps out of the way, sniggering. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I rasp, “Amabella, get back here.”
She refuses, silently disappearing in between the trees and I drag a breath. Now I have to go and get her back. I call her name but she doesn’t respond and I feel a chill down my spine when the snow increases. I don’t want her to get lost and all the alpine firs look the same. Marching after her, I look left and right, stopping when I see her red coat but then she disappears again.
Panic hits me when the snow wraps up into a blizzard. I blink against the white but I can’t find her. The back of my neck prickles, my muscles swell and my lips pull over my teeth. The rage and frustration feels like a shot in the chest and my temper rises. That sneaky, little...
She’s managed to get away from me. Before I’ve claimed her and I clench my jaw to not let out a roar in fury.
Where the fuck is she...?
I catch her in the midst of the blizzard, silently collecting snowflakes in her hands and I clasp her around the elbow and whirl her around. “I’ve chased you all over the place,” I growl and she gasps. “Why didn’t you come when I called?”
Her brows knot. “I thought we were playing a game, but then I got lost and couldn’t find you...”
“Games are for children, Amabella,” I grit, clasping her shoulders and I want to shake her. “I don’t play games and neither do you.”
Panting, she licks her lips and she nods, staring with those cerulean eyes and they bore into me. They see things I don’t want her to see and I clasp her chin between my fingers. Her mouth trembles, begging for a kiss but I linger, hovering and she presses her body against mine.
“I want you so much, Nate,” she whispers, “it bewilders me, maddens me, turns me inside out.”
Stroking her cheek, I rasp, “You won’t want me when you learn there’s another side to me.”
She shakes her head. “What do you mean?” She greedily presses her body closer. “I want all of you. In all of your shapes.”
Be careful what you wish for...
Slanting my mouth over hers, I finally slake some of my lust, ignoring playing nice and I rip her lips apart, finding her tongue and I groan. Her eyes flare in surprise but she doesn’t pull away, accepting the kiss and she moans when I deepen it. I kiss her until we both burn. Until the blizzard feels like sparks of flames and she pants and pleads my name and whispers incoherent little words...