Page 73 of The Good Guy Challenge
Brooke smiles. “I adore you too.”
“And we need to talk about this book right now,” I add as we switch seats. With a harrumph, Drew takes my seat, but I don’t think he’s really mad.
“Yes we do,” she says.
“Told you so,” Gabe says to Drew.
“Yup. They like each other,” Drew replies.
I smile, then I focus on Brooke. We spend most of the meal discussing our favorite books.
When we’re done with the meal, the four of us wander through Santa Monica, the guys chatting about their next poker game, Axel’s whereabouts, and who’s looking strong on the pro basketball team.
With the guys a few steps behind us, Brooke shares insider tips with me on Venice, from the best bookstores to the best shops, since she’s lived in that neighborhood for some time. “Bling and Baubles is my favorite. My friend Rachel owns that shop,” she says offhand.
My jaw drops. “Wait. Jewelry shop Rachel is your friend too?” I ask in excitement.
“Yes. I’ve known her for a while.”
“I already adopted her,” I say, then tell Brooke how I met Rachel.
“Then that’s perfect. Do you want to join us for ping-pong later this week?” Brooke asks.
I want nothing more than to play ping-pong with new friends. “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship,” I say.
“Me too,” Brooke seconds.
I love LA.
First game of the season, and I ampumped. In the locker room before kickoff, the energy is bright and noisy.
Coach comes in and gives a no-nonsensethis is our time to show what focus isspeech.
When he’s done, I smack palms with most of the guys, another one of our pre-game rituals. Then, when it’s time to hit the field, our running back, Rand, chimes in withlet’s go,whooping and clapping as we trot out.
I’ve got my helmet in one hand, and my hacky sacks in the other.
Well, rituals matter and this is my streak ritual. “Let’s put these to use all season,” I say to Drew as we reach the mouth of the tunnel.
He offers a fist for knocking. “You know we will.”
Then, the announcer calls my name and number, and I run out on the field, Drew following shortly behind, as the last one, since he’s the quarterback.
And when we win the coin toss, he’s fast and lasered in on the target—me.I connect on the first pass of the opening drive, then gain another twenty-two yards.
A few plays later, I put it in the end zone.
And like that, we set a rhythm for the game. When I jog to the sidelines as special teams comes on, I look to the stands.
And I grin. There she is. At least, I think it’s Ellie. We’ve got a packed crowd here.
But I snagged her seats on the fifty-yard line. I squint, just making her out next to Rachel and Maddox, I think. Brooke is here too since she’s part of their crew now, and Ellie’s become fast friends with her.