Page 4 of The Inmates Obsession
Chapter Three
“Honey, are you sleeping okay?” Margaret asks me as she stirs a giant pot of sauce. She’s been like a grandma to me over the years, and I can’t remember a time she wasn't here. She’s in charge of running the estate to keep it in top shape and I’m guessing keeping an eye on me as well.
“Not really,” I admit. She puts the lid on the sauce and starts to make me a cup of tea. She thinks tea is the cure to everything, as long as it has extra honey, of course.
“I hate that you had to go through that. I know it was scary.”
Scary is putting it mildly. I knew prison was a rough place, and I’d even imagined things like that happening there. Actually seeing it was something else altogether. I could’ve sworn that inmate with the knife was coming after me and not my dad, but I don’t know why.
Then he saved us both. Cold blue eyes flash in my mind, and somehow they don’t make me afraid. I haven't been able to stop seeing them since I left the prison, and I even dream about him at night. I wake up with my hand in my panties begging him to take me. Why does the first man I’m attracted to have to be in prison?
“He’s not going to let me come back.” It makes my heart ache to admit that out loud.
“Give it time, Sienna. I’m sure he’s still a bit shook up. He’ll let you come back after he handles things.”
I know what she’s alluding to. Once he figures out who set up what went down in the visitor center and does away with them. Margaret makes it sound as easy as taking out the trash. I suppose it is for my dad.
“I wrote him a letter. It might be nice for him to have something from me.” I wrote Kai too, but I don’t tell Margaret that.
When I asked my dad about the man that saved us, he told me his name. I wanted to make sure he was okay and to thank him for not only coming to my rescue, but to my dad’s as well. Dad said he isn’t one of his men, but that was all I could get out of him without it sounding suspicious. It’s a bit nutty that I think of Kai as my knight in shining armor, but I can’t help it.
“I think that’s a great idea. I’m sure he’ll love it.” She places the tea in front of me, and I pick it up and take a sip.
“Is he ever going to come home?” I ask, but Margaret’s face doesn't give anything away.
“Of course,” she answers swiftly.
I don’t want to think about never seeing my dad outside of those walls again. So when the landline rings, I rush to answer it. Only one person ever calls it, and it’s the person I need to talk to most right now.
“Hello?” I say quickly as soon as I pick it up.
“Sugar.” I smile when I hear his voice because I know he’s okay today. There was no automated introduction to the call, so I know he’s on someone’s cell phone.
“How are you?”
“Everything’s good,” he says.
I don’t want to give myself away, but I can’t help but ask. “Kai. Is he okay too?” There was so much blood, and if it wasn’t for him it would have been my blood. He took that hit for me, and for that I owe him my life.
“He’s still in solitary, but I’ve been assured he’s fine.” There’s a knot inside my chest that comes loose when I know he’s okay. “You’ve been worried.”
He’s not asking me a question, but I’m not about to tell him all that I’m feeling. Instead of explaining my new obsession, I stick to the facts.
“He saved us. I would have felt terrible if he died in the process.” I know my dad wouldn't feel the same way. I’m sure men die all the time to keep him safe. For some reason that doesn't bother me, though. It’s Kai that’s getting to me. He’s different, and I’m not sure why.
“He did, and I’ll make sure he’s taken care of for that.” I want to ask how, but I don’t. He might be on a cell phone, but we can’t ever be too careful with what we say.
“Can I come see you if everything has been handled?” I cross my fingers, hoping he gives me the all-clear.
“Not yet, sugar.” My heart drops. I don’t only want to see him, but I hoped that maybe Kai would be there too. I’m sure it’s a small chance, but it’s still a chance.
“Are you ever going to let me come back?”
There’s a long pause before he answers. “We’ll see.”
My eyes start to burn with tears at the thought of not seeing him. I have only a few people in my life, and that circle is slowly growing smaller. Soon I’ll be all alone, and then what? There isn't even anyone around here near my age, and it’s not as though I get to meet new people while I’m out enjoying life. The only time I can leave is to go for a visit to see him.