Page 18 of The Inmates Obsession
Chapter Ten
Ididn’t think there was anything worse than being trapped inside these prison walls, but after tasting Sienna and having to let her walk away, I know that I was wrong.
We stood in the storage closet for a long moment after, and the weight of what I’d done fell between us. I touched her face tenderly, and when I kissed her again it was slower and softer than before.
Seconds later she was gone, and although I don’t regret a single second, I hated that it wasn’t under different circumstances. Ones where she’d be under me for hours and then on top of me for hours more. Then I’d be able to hold her in my arms.
Sienna is something special, a queen to be worshiped, and I’m just the man to do it. The longer I’m in her presence, the clearer my path ahead becomes. Now I just need to put my plan into action, and everything will be the way it’s meant to be.
When I get back to my cell, I slip the guard his payment, and he nods at me. Sam found out this guard had some gambling debts that were about to wind him six feet under, so I decided to make him an offer. Get me and my girl some alone time, and his debts would disappear.
He made good on his end, and so I held up mine. The piece of paper I just handed him is the confirmation from his debt holder that he’s square. Most likely he’ll be back in this same situation in no time, but that’s for someone else to figure out.
When I first offered him the deal, he was shocked I’d pay so much money for a woman, but there’s nothing I wouldn’t pay to have Sienna. Even if it was only for a moment, I’d drain my bank account and make it last. Good thing I’ve got plenty of zeros, because I plan on spoiling her with all of it.
After the guard leaves, I sit down on my cot and bring my hands to my nose. I can still smell her on me, and I inhale over and over. It’s a mixture of her sweet pussy and something soft like jasmine. It’s driving me insane, and I ache for her.
I think about jerking off again, but there’s no time. The plan starts tonight.
Lifting my pillow, I see the note and read it over twice just to make sure. Sam has left instructions, and I’m the one that has to see them out. I just need to make sure there are no mistakes, and everything will be fine.
Hours later, it’s free time before lights out, and the guards are about to change shifts. I’ve got a small window of time, with only a few seconds to get it right. Leaning up against my cell door, I hang my arms out and wait. At exactly ten o’clock I hear the signal, and my door unlocks. Sliding it open as quietly as possibly, I exit my cell to the left where there aren’t any inmates on that side. I move against the wall so I can’t be seen by the cameras and then duck around the corner. One glance into the guard tower shows me it’s empty and I can keep going.
It’s not hard to find crooked guards in a place like this, and most of them have a problem that needs solving. The right amount of money to the right guard during a shift change can literally open doors.
Once I’m through the cell block, I make my way down the corridor and to the cell I need. Leo O’Neal has a cell almost as nice as mine except his is in the corner away from everyone else. It’s twice as large as the other cells, and away from prying eyes. I know this isn’t just a coincidence.
As I approach his cell, I hear the click of the lock and see the door open slightly. As quietly as I can, I go over, and he’s standing there staring at the door.
“Come with me,” I tell him, but he doesn’t move. Instead he narrows his eyes.
“Why should I trust you?” He opens his hands as if I should look around. “If I try and break out and get caught, I lose all of this. And I have no chance of ever getting out.”
“You don’t have a chance of that happening even if you don’t try to escape,” I explain as I look over my shoulder.
“Maybe, but if I’m stuck in here for life, why should I give all this up?” He sighs and shakes his head. “I can’t risk losing any communication with my daughter.”
“Leo,” I say, stepping closer to him. “This is your one chance, our chance. I’ve spent the past two years undercover so I could get to you.”
Anger flashes in his eyes as squares his shoulders. “Who are you?”
“Right now, I’m a rogue FBI agent.” His eyes widen, and I try to quickly explain. “I was part of the investigation into putting you behind bars. But when the evidence came through it didn’t add up. We watched you for years and couldn’t get a single scrap of evidence, no one would turn on you.”
“My men are loyal, especially to rats like you,” he spits at me, and I shake my head.
“No, not like me. I got into the feds as a means to an end. I’m ex-military, and they used me like a weapon. My parents died when I was in college, and after I graduated, I was recruited by them. They put me through training and sent me on missions. I didn’t have anything left to make me question it, but the deeper I got, the more I saw the corruption on the inside.”
“No shit,” he hisses.
“The investigation into you was my last. I was retiring after your case, and then I saw the dirty evidence. It was planted, and I had everything to clear your name.”
“So why didn’t you?” His eyes are burning through me, but I don’t flinch.
“Why do you think I'm in jail?” His eyebrows pull together as he tries to process this. “As soon as I tried to expose the truth, they tossed me in a cell. The feds erased my past because of the work I’d done for them and expected me to rot in here. It took me over a year to get transferred to this prison, and it’s only because I’ve still got a couple of friends left on the outside.”
“I’ve been asking you this from the beginning, but what do you want? Why are you doing this?”